Covid-19 third wave disaster soon? Top virologist warns against reopening, cites India’s low vaccinated population

Coronavirus Mutation

The virologist also warned against the long-term impact of Covid-19, adding people usually didn’t talk about it. (File) Virologist Dr. W. Ian Lipkin has warned India that it did not have the Covid-safety armour needed to fully reopen the country, citing the extremely low vaccinated population, PTI reported. Dr. Lipkin less than 20% of the … Read more

Covid-19 deadliest pandemic in US, claimed more lives than 1918 ‘Spanish flu’


Globally, the 1918 pandemic claimed at least 50 million lives, as per the data cited by CDC (Reuters Photo) The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has come with data that has shocked many. The numbers reveal that the covid-19 has claimed more lives in the US than Spanish flu, a 1918 pandemic that killed … Read more

Black Death to Covid-19: A look at the history of pandemics that ravaged the planet

The plague of Florence in 1348 as described in Boccaccios Wellcome

Close to 25 million people are believed to have been wiped out by the early 1950s, which was approximately one-third of the European continent. (Source- Wikimedia Commons) By Monidipa Dey Throughout the course of world history intermittent outbreaks of infectious diseases (known as pandemics and epidemics) have ravaged human societies causing deep and lasting effects … Read more

Bird Flu: Multiple strains of avian influenza and what threat it poses on humans

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The H5N8 strain of avian influenza that has been detected in most of the states has not affected humans so far. Two different kinds of avian influenza strain have been found in Himachal Pradesh i.e. the H5N1 virus detected in migratory birds visiting the Pong Dam Lake and another H5N8 subtype in the dead poultry … Read more