The Wisdom of Lizzo: Lessons on Loving Our Bodies

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If you’ve been diagnosed with chronic migraines, you know that sometimes the painful, and often long-lasting symptoms can leave you feeling frustrated with yourself, your body, your doctors, and the people in your life. Sustaining a sense of self-love might feel out of reach when your own body seems to be fighting you. Enter Lizzo, … Read more

Loving Your Body with Breast Cancer

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What Lizzo (and others) teach us about loving our bodies is that body positivity and self-care are not just for your Sunday afternoon to-do list—especially while on your breast cancer journey. Learning to love your body today and throughout the changes during treatments are vital for your mental and physical health, quality of life, and … Read more

4 Self-Care Lessons From Lizzo About Living With Psoriasis

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“Learning to love yourself and learning to love your body is like a whole journey that every person, but more specifically, women, have to go through.” Lyrics from “My Skin” — Lizzo If you have psoriasis, you’re familiar with the daily work of learning to love your body. The nagging pain and itching can cause … Read more

Healthier 2021: Laura’s Practicing Self-Care

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This post appears as part of our Healthier 2021 series, in which we follow three WebMD team members as they strive to improve their health this year. You can follow their journeys here. By Laura J. Downey This wellness journey has been teaching me a lot. I have learned the importance of … Read more