Breastfeeding Week: Dated wisdom, lactation stigma still assail mothers

Breastfeeding Week: Dated wisdom, lactation stigma still assail mothers

“Being a doctor, I thought I had good knowledge of lactation and breastfeeding already,” Elsa John, an anaesthetist and a first-time mother in Vellore, told this author. “But nothing prepared me for the doubts that came in the initial days when I had to do it.” She recalled that a nurse pinched her nipples hard … Read more

The Wisdom of Lizzo: Lessons on Loving Our Bodies

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If you’ve been diagnosed with chronic migraines, you know that sometimes the painful, and often long-lasting symptoms can leave you feeling frustrated with yourself, your body, your doctors, and the people in your life. Sustaining a sense of self-love might feel out of reach when your own body seems to be fighting you. Enter Lizzo, … Read more

Pulling Wisdom Teeth Has Surprising Benefit: Better Taste

July 19, 2021 — People who’ve had their wisdom teeth removed have a better sense of taste decades after the surgery, according to a study that is easing concerns about side effects of the procedure. Wisdom teeth are the third and final set of molars that emerge from the gums when people are in … Read more