Stretching: How to Stretch, When to Stretch

Stretching: How to Stretch, When to Stretch

Do any of these lines sound familiar? You have to hold a stretch to get the benefit. Don’t bounce in the stretch — you’ll tear your muscle. If you don’t stretch before a workout, you’ll hurt yourself. Well, they’re all wrong. But first, there’s a bigger question to answer. “It’s a nice way to end … Read more

Healthier 2021: Laura’s Practicing Self-Care

1800x1200 laura downey week 7

This post appears as part of our Healthier 2021 series, in which we follow three WebMD team members as they strive to improve their health this year. You can follow their journeys here. By Laura J. Downey This wellness journey has been teaching me a lot. I have learned the importance of … Read more