Mass Isolation Australia – capturing the nation amid the Covid pandemic

Mass Isolation Australia – capturing the nation amid the Covid pandemic

Mass Isolation Australia was created during lockdown in March 2020 to establish a visual record of the pandemic. It quickly became a way to see the Covid crisis unfold through Australian eyes, as well as a source of connection and community in a time of social distance. With the Ballarat lockdown to end at 11.59pm … Read more

Australia Covid live update: Victoria records 22 new cases as more than half of country wakes up in lockdown; SA reported to have one new case

Australia Covid live update: Victoria records 22 new cases as more than half of country wakes up in lockdown; SA reported to have one new case

The issue was that this particular gentleman, male, who has tested positive, had visited a number of locations before he tested positive and went into isolation. Those premises and locations North Orange Woolies, Pizza Hut, a tobacconist, Officeworks and areas where large volumes of people would have visited and attended, potential exposure contacts were too … Read more

Australia coronavirus live update: four new Covid cases in Victoria and one in Queensland; wild weather hits eastern states

Australia coronavirus live update: four new Covid cases in Victoria and one in Queensland; wild weather hits eastern states

Because I believe this risk is actually a little bit lower, I haven’t asked all of our vulnerable facilities to go into lockdown at this stage. So, you would know and be aware that usually when we have an outbreak I require hospital, aged care facilities, disability care accommodation facilities, and prisons, if there are … Read more