Dozens of rockets fired from Lebanon into Israel after raids on al-Aqsa mosque | CNN

Dozens of rockets fired from Lebanon into Israel after raids on al-Aqsa mosque | CNN

Jerusalem CNN  —  Dozens of rockets were fired from Lebanon into Israel on Thursday, the Israeli military said, in a major escalation that comes amid regional tensions over Israeli police raids at the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem. Some 34 rockets were launched from Lebanese territory into Israeli territory, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said, with … Read more

Israeli police storm al-Aqsa mosque during Ramadan prayers, sparking rocket fire from Gaza | CNN

Israeli police storm al-Aqsa mosque during Ramadan prayers, sparking rocket fire from Gaza | CNN

CNN  —  Israeli police stormed the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem, one of Islam’s holiest sites, during Ramadan prayers early Wednesday, arresting hundreds of Palestinians and sparking retaliatory rocket fire from militants in Gaza. Footage shared on social media showed Israeli officers striking screaming people with batons inside the darkened building. Eyewitnesses told CNN that police … Read more

Pakistan mosque blast death toll rises to 88 as militants give conflicting claims of responsibility | CNN

Pakistan mosque blast death toll rises to 88 as militants give conflicting claims of responsibility | CNN

Islamabad, Pakistan CNN  —  The death toll from a suspected suicide bomb that ripped through a mosque at a police compound in northwestern Pakistan Monday has risen to at least 88, as the Pakistani Taliban gave conflicting claims of responsibility for one of the deadliest attacks in the country in years. Mohammad Asim Khan, spokesperson … Read more

Former Moscow-linked Church claims religious persecution as security raids heat up | CNN

Former Moscow-linked Church claims religious persecution as security raids heat up | CNN

CNN  —  The vertically shot video published last November shows no weapons, battlefield atrocities or even soldiers. But the sound of a patriotic Russian song reverberating through a church on Kyiv’s famous Lavra monastery grounds seemed to open a new front in Ukraine’s war with Russia. The church belongs to the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) … Read more

Former Pope Benedict XVI lies in state in St. Peter’s Basilica ahead of funeral | CNN

Former Pope Benedict XVI lies in state in St. Peter’s Basilica ahead of funeral | CNN

Rome CNN  —  The lying-in-state of former Pope Benedict XVI, who died Saturday at the age of 95, began Monday in St. Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City ahead of his funeral later this week. Benedict, who was the first pontiff in almost 600 years to resign his position, rather than hold office for life, passed … Read more

Japanese Prime Minister orders investigation into controversial Unification Church | CNN

Japanese Prime Minister orders investigation into controversial Unification Church | CNN

Tokyo CNN  —  Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida has ordered an investigation into the Unification Church amid a growing scandal tying his ruling Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) to the controversial religious group. Kishida announced the probe during a parliamentary session on Monday and said it would be carried out using “the right to ask questions” … Read more

Pope declares ‘zero tolerance’ for Catholic Church abuse, saying he takes personal responsibility for ending it | CNN

Pope declares ‘zero tolerance’ for Catholic Church abuse, saying he takes personal responsibility for ending it | CNN

CNN  —  Pope Francis says he has taken it on himself to rid the Catholic Church of sexual abuse, telling CNN’s partner channel CNN Portugal that he was “responsible that it doesn’t happen anymore.” In an exclusive, wide-ranging interview in Rome last month, the Pontiff said the church had “zero tolerance” for abuse and said … Read more