Summer woes: Heatstroke to dehydration, your ultimate DIY guide for home-based quick, easy treatments

Sunstroke Reu

Summer ailments and remedy (Reuters Image) The scorching heat in North and Central India has taken maximum temperature several notches above normal. Monsoon is these states are nowhere near, alarms the IMD and in such times it is important to take special care of themselves and safeguard the body from heatwave-related ailments. Sunstroke/ Heatstroke This … Read more

For Some, ‘COVID Toes,’ Rashes Can Last for Months

Papulosquamous eruptions, which are scaly spots on the skin, lasted a median of 20 days, with one case lasting 70 days, the findings showed. Dr. Michele Green is a dermatologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York City. She said, “These extended skin manifestations are a result of the body’s intense inflammatory reaction to … Read more