Summer woes: Heatstroke to dehydration, your ultimate DIY guide for home-based quick, easy treatments

Summer ailments and remedy (Reuters Image)

The scorching heat in North and Central India has taken maximum temperature several notches above normal. Monsoon is these states are nowhere near, alarms the IMD and in such times it is important to take special care of themselves and safeguard the body from heatwave-related ailments.

Sunstroke/ Heatstroke

This condition is caused by excessive exposure to the sun-heat under humid conditions. When the air is humid, sweat hardly evaporates hampering the body’s natural cooling mechanism. This increases body temperature and the person may be caught by Sunstroke/ Heatstroke). it may lead to severe complications like shock, brain damage, and even death.

The most common signs of heatstroke are weakness, vomiting, fatigue, dizziness, nausea, headache, low blood pressure, muscle cramps. In severe cases, there can be seizures, high-grade fever, rapid pulse rate, and even coma.

To manage heatstroke choose light colour clothes preferably in cotton and lose fit in summers, allowing your skin to breathe. National Health Portal of India suggests Unani remedies like applying onion paste on the armpit or on the groin. Raw mango pulp with coriander, cumin seeds, jaggery, and seasoning is also beneficial. In case of high-grade fever, soak a piece of cloth in rose water and vinegar and apply frequently on the forehead


Dehydration is quite common during summers. When the heat scorches high, it drains the water from the body making one feel lethargic and exhausted. As the body loses water due to over sweating, the fluid and salt balance in the body is also disturbed.

Headache, dizziness, weakness and dry mouth are some of the symptoms of dehydration that if ignored can lead to fainting and severe health complications.

Drinking loads of water, juices is the best way to prevent dehydration. make sure you drink at least two liters of water every day during summers. Avoid over-consumption of caffeinated beverages and alcohol. Consume vegetables and fruits with high water content. Herbs such as chamomile, licorice (mulethi), tulsi, fennel powder when taken with a glass of lukewarm water helps.


When the weather is hot and humid, one is bound to have burns and rashes. This happens mostly due to the blockage of sweat ducts. Instead of evaporating, perspiration gets trapped beneath the skin, causing inflammation and rash. This happens mostly when one is overdressed or wearing tight-fitting clothes that does not let the skin breathe and the sweat doesn’t leave the body. A prickly, burning or itchy sensation may also accompany heat rash.

Light, moisture-wicking clothes, ice packs, frequent cool baths are some of the common remedies of rashes. Stay in an air-conditioned room, or use an air fan. Antihistamines — whether topical or oral — can relieve the itching associated with heat rash. Other cooling, anti-inflammatory agents are aloe vera, neem, Epsom salt, calamine lotion, etc.

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