Pandya period rock-cut cave temple at Paraikulam declared a protected monument

Pandya period rock-cut cave temple at Paraikulam declared a protected monument

The Tamil Nadu government has declared the early Pandya-era rock-cut cave temple at Paraikulam in Tiruchuzhi taluk in Virudhunagar district a protected monument. K. Manivasan, Principal Secretary, Tourism, Culture and Religious Endowments Department, who issued the order, said it was one of the 10 early Pandya Kudvarai temples (cave temples). Earlier, while making an announcement … Read more

Key conspirators, planners of 26/11 terror attacks continue to remain protected and unpunished, says Jaishankar

Key conspirators, planners of 26/11 terror attacks continue to remain protected and unpunished, says Jaishankar

The first leg of the event is being held at the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel in south Mumbai The first leg of the event is being held at the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel in south Mumbai External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on October 28, 2022 said the key conspirators and planners of the 26/11 Mumbai … Read more

Masks Protected Children from COVID Last Fall: CDC Study

Masks Protected Children from COVID Last Fall: CDC Study

[MUSIC PLAYING] SPEAKER: How does a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine work? COVID vaccines are now available. Some of the COVID-19 vaccines are mRNA vaccines, but what does this mean? mRNA vaccines are different from traditional vaccines. mRNA vaccines don’t expose you to any real virus instead, they’re made with messenger Ribonucleic Acid or mRNA. This is … Read more

How will the vulnerable be protected from Covid? And other questions

How will the vulnerable be protected from Covid? And other questions

Michelle Roberts Health Editor, BBC News Online The chief scientific adviser Patrick Vallance has warned that further variants of Covid are expected – and that they could be more severe than previous ones. Therefore, although most of the free testing system is being dismantled in England, the government insists that the UK will continue to … Read more

Infected, Vaccinated, or Both: How Protected Am I From COVID?

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Nov. 9, 2021 — As the U.S. rounds out its second year of the pandemic, many people are trying to figure out just how vulnerable they may be to COVID-19 infection, and whether it’s finally safe to fully return to all the activities they miss. On an individual basis, the degree and durability of the … Read more

Space buddies: How BFF Moon protected Earth’s atmosphere, made planet liveable

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Should we thank Moon for life on Earth? A new study says it was the Moon’s magnetic field that helped develop life and habitable conditions on the blue planet, Earth. The Nasa-led study published in the journal ‘Science Advances’ reveals that the Moon’s (now extinct magnetic field though) may have helped protect Earth’s atmosphere as … Read more