Murder charge dropped against co-defendant in case of killer accused of faking his own death in South Africa | CNN

Murder charge dropped against co-defendant in case of killer accused of faking his own death in South Africa | CNN

CNN  —  South African prosecutors have dropped a murder charge against Zolile Sekeleni, the father of the girlfriend of high-profile convicted murderer Thabo Bester, who is accused of escaping from a South African prison after faking his own death in a fire, officials told CNN Monday. Sekeleni’s daughter, Nandipha Magudumana, a prominent medical doctor and … Read more

Oscar Pistorius denied parole | CNN

Oscar Pistorius denied parole | CNN

CNN  —  Disgraced South African Paralympic sprinter Oscar Pistorius was denied parole on Friday, according to local authorities who said he has yet to complete his minimum sentence. According to South African law, inmates can be considered for parole after serving half of their sentence if they meet conditions, like good behavior in prison. The … Read more

Indonesian court jails soccer officials for role in deadly stadium crush | CNN

Indonesian court jails soccer officials for role in deadly stadium crush | CNN

Jakarta, Indonesia CNN  —  Two Indonesian soccer officials were sentenced up to 18 months in prison by a court on Thursday over a deadly stadium crush last year that killed more than 130 people and injured hundreds more in what was one of the sport’s worst disasters. The sentences were the first jailings handed down … Read more

Why El Salvador’s president Nayib Bukele wants everyone to know about his new prison | CNN

Why El Salvador’s president Nayib Bukele wants everyone to know about his new prison | CNN

CNN  —  Last week, El Salvador’s president Nayib Bukele posted a typically divisive video on Twitter. To the sound of thrilling fast-paced music, it showed hundreds of detainees being transferred to a new “megaprison” officially named the Center for Confining Terrorism. Constructed last year to host the Central American country’s burgeoning prison population, it is … Read more

El Salvador begins transferring thousands to ‘mega prison’ amid gang crackdown | CNN

El Salvador begins transferring thousands to ‘mega prison’ amid gang crackdown | CNN

Reuters  —  El Salvador’s government moved thousands of suspected gang members to a newly opened “mega prison” on Friday, the latest step in a controversial crackdown on crime that has caused the Central American nation’s prison population to soar. “This will be their new home, where they won’t be able to do any more harm … Read more

Defiant Navalny has opposed Putin’s war in Ukraine from prison. His team fear for his safety | CNN

Defiant Navalny has opposed Putin’s war in Ukraine from prison. His team fear for his safety | CNN

Editor’s Note: The award-winning CNN Film “Navalny” airs on CNN this Saturday at 9 p.m. ET. You can also watch now on CNNgo and HBO Max. CNN  —  Surviving President Vladimir Putin’s poisoners was just a warm-up, not a warning, for Russian opposition politician Alexey Navalny. But his defiance, according to his political team, has … Read more

Iran sentences daughter of former president to five years in prison | CNN

Iran sentences daughter of former president to five years in prison | CNN

CNN  —  The daughter of former Iranian president Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani has been sentenced to five years in prison, her lawyer said Tuesday. The verdict against Faezeh Hashemi, who is a known Iranian activist, is “not final,” the lawyer, Neda Shams, said in a tweet. “The client is still in prison and there are other … Read more

French serial killer Charles ‘The Serpent’ Sobhraj released from Nepali jail | CNN

French serial killer Charles ‘The Serpent’ Sobhraj released from Nepali jail | CNN

CNN  —  Charles Sobhraj, the infamous French serial killer who inspired the award-nominated TV series “The Serpent,” walked free from a Nepali prison Friday. “Sobhraj has been released from the jail. He has been handed over to the immigration department. The officials at the immigration department informed us that he would be deported to France … Read more

Tennis great Boris Becker released from UK prison and due to be deported — UK media | CNN

Tennis great Boris Becker released from UK prison and due to be deported — UK media | CNN

CNN  —  Former world No. 1 men’s tennis player Boris Becker has been released from a UK prison after serving just eight months of his sentence and is due to be deported from the UK, PA Media reported on Thursday. “Any foreign national who is convicted of a crime and given a prison sentence is … Read more

Russian dissident Alexey Navalny says he was moved into solitary cell to ‘shut me up’ | CNN

Russian dissident Alexey Navalny says he was moved into solitary cell to ‘shut me up’ | CNN

CNN  —  Imprisoned Russian dissident Alexey Navalny has been transferred into a solitary prison cell, according to tweets from himself and his staff, in what he described as a move designed to “shut me up.” Navalny, a prominent critic of Russian President Vladimir Putin, explained what happened in a Thursday Twitter thread: “Congratulations, I’ve moved … Read more