U.S. to Investigate Vietnam for Currency Manipulation


The Trump administration is launching an investigation into the trade practices of Vietnam, faulting the country for currency practices and invoking the same trade law the U.S. used in imposing sweeping tariffs on Chinese imports. The Office of the U.S. Trade Representative Friday evening said it would pursue an investigation into Vietnam’s “acts, policies, and practices that … Read more

China’s Export Machine Looks Inward as Global Risks Rise


YIWU, China—Chinese makers of goods for export are seeking to turn inwards and sell domestically, a pivot considered key to making the world’s second-largest economy more self-sufficient. In recent weeks, Chinese President Xi Jinping has called for the country to embrace what he calls domestic circulation—a policy designed to bolster local supply chains and encourage … Read more

China’s Exports Ramp Up as Countries Emerge From Lockdowns


BEIJING—China’s export machine gained steam in August as countries gradually recovering from coronavirus lockdowns, including the U.S., snapped up more Chinese-made goods. Outbound shipments from China rose 9.5% in August from a year earlier, beating July’s 7.2% increase and economists’ median forecast for 7.3% growth, data released by the General Administration of Customs showed Monday. … Read more

Israel, U.A.E. Pursue Economic Ties in Wake of U.S.-Brokered Breakthrough


ABU DHABI—Israel and the United Arab Emirates agreed to promote bilateral trade and business activity as they move to normalize ties, but pushed discussion over the thorny issue of the sale of advanced U.S. military hardware to the Emiratis to a later stage. A delegation of top Israeli and American officials were in the U.A.E. … Read more

Germany Expects V-Shaped Economic Rebound From Coronavirus


FRANKFURT—Germany’s economy is recovering faster than was anticipated a few months ago, helped by a mild and short coronavirus lockdown, a large-scale fiscal stimulus and Berlin’s close trade links with China, according to new government forecasts. The country’s gross domestic product should contract by 5.8% this year, a 0.5 percentage-point improvement on earlier forecasts and … Read more

Taiwan to Ease Limits on American Pork and Beef, Smoothing Path for Trade Talks


Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen said Friday she will ease restrictions on imports of U.S. beef and pork, clearing the biggest obstacle to free-trade talks with Washington. At a televised news briefing, Ms. Tsai said she has instructed her government to ease regulations to allow imports of American pork containing trace amounts of an animal-feed additive … Read more

Senior U.S., Chinese Officials Say They Are Committed to Phase One Trade Deal


WASHINGTON—Senior U.S. and Chinese officials said they were committed to carrying out the Phase One trade accord between the two nations, the two governments said, after the two sides discussed the pact Monday evening U.S. time. The videoconference brought together U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer, Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Chinese Vice Premier Liu He … Read more