Cloud-based solutions provide scalability and flexibility – ET HealthWorld

Cloud-based solutions provide scalability and flexibility – ET HealthWorld

Ajit Ashok Shenvi, Head, Data & AI CoE, Philips Innovation Campus, spoke to ETHealthworld’s Prathiba Raju on how cloud technology and AI can play a transformative role in improving public health in India. Edited Excerpts. How many healthcare organisations are opting for cloud technology. How do you see the cloud contributing to the sector’s growth? … Read more

The Role of Digital Healthcare Platforms in Innovation – ET HealthWorld

the role of digital healthcare platforms in innovation

By Pallavi Palparthy The pandemic has irrevocably changed our notion of access to health services, ushering a new era of healthcare delivery no longer defined by physical constraints or availability of health experts in one’s city. Digital solutions have truly come of age, across sectors, and the healthcare services are no different. Digital healthcare platforms … Read more