Markets optimistic but ‘mistakenly euphoric’, says Kotak Institutional Equities

Markets optimistic but ‘mistakenly euphoric’, says Kotak Institutional Equities

Mumbai: Kotak Institutional Equities said the Indian market continues to be a mix of being “rightfully optimistic and mistakenly euphoric“. The brokerage said parts of the market rightfully reflect the strength of the Indian economy and its long-term growth prospects, while the other parts reflect “extreme euphoria linked to baseless narratives.” Kotak said the market … Read more

Markets peak on optimism, not on relative pessimism: Deepak Shenoy

Markets peak on optimism, not on relative pessimism: Deepak Shenoy

“I think while the markets are going up, the mood seems to be less elevated across the globe. So, I still think there is some place to go. Just speaking, of course, as a portfolio manager you have to be long and therefore very optimistic, so a little bit of biased stance. But I do … Read more

Covid: Joe Wicks wants to help kids ‘feel optimistic’


Celebrity personal trainer Joe Wicks will be running PE lessons online for children to “give them structure” and help them “feel optimistic” during the third lockdown. Known as the Body Coach, Mr Wicks said he was already planning to offer the lessons for children in areas where schools were closed, before Boris Johnson made the … Read more

Many Stay Optimistic for Most of Their Lives

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THURSDAY, Aug. 6, 2020 (HealthDay News) — People tend to be optimistic for most of their life, even when they have to cope with serious challenges, a new study finds. Researchers surveyed 75,000 people aged 16 to 101 in the United States, Germany and the Netherlands to assess their optimism and outlook about the … Read more