US military operations across the Sahel are at risk after Niger ends cooperation

US military operations across the Sahel are at risk after Niger ends cooperation

The U.S. military has hundreds of troops stationed at a major airbase in northern Niger that deploys flights over the vast Sahel region where jihadi groups linked to al-Qaida and the Islamic State group operate. File | Photo Credit: Reuters The United States scrambled on March 17 to assess the future of its counterterrorism operations … Read more

West African militaries meet to finalise possible Niger intervention

West African militaries meet to finalise possible Niger intervention

West African military chiefs met in Ghana on August 17, 2023 to coordinate a possible armed intervention to reverse a coup in Niger, as Germany called for EU sanctions against the rebel leaders. | Photo Credit: AFP West African army chiefs were due to hold a second and final day of talks on Friday in Ghana’s capital Accra, … Read more

Seventeen troops killed in new Niger attack

Seventeen troops killed in new Niger attack

File image for representation. | Photo Credit: REUTERS Seventeen troops died in a jihadist ambush in Niger, the government said, in a reminder of the nation’s deep security crisis as its military rulers face off against neighbours determined to reverse last month’s coup. An army detachment was “the victim of a terrorist ambush near the … Read more

Mutinous soldiers in Niger sever French military ties while ”hostage” president pleads for US help

Mutinous soldiers in Niger sever French military ties while ”hostage” president pleads for US help

Niger’s military junta says it is severing military agreements with France, its former colonial ruler, firing some of the previous government’s key ambassadors and warning citizens of the West African nation to watch for foreign Armies and spies. A regional delegation’s efforts at negotiation quickly deadlocked. The junta’s announcement on state television late on Thursday … Read more

Niger ambassador to U.S. warns coup could destabilise region

Niger ambassador to U.S. warns coup could destabilise region

Protesters hold an anti-France placard during a demonstration on independence day in Niamey on August 3, 2023.  | Photo Credit: AFP Niger’s junta must “come to reason” and return power to ousted President Mohamed Bazoum before the country and the wider region collapse, Niamey’s ambassador to Washington said Thursday. “If Niger collapses, the entire Sahel … Read more

Niger’s military ruler warns against foreign meddling, urges population to defend the country

Niger’s military ruler warns against foreign meddling, urges population to defend the country

Niger’s new military ruler lashed out at neighbouring countries and the international community in a nationally televised speech on August 2 night and called on the population to be ready to defend the nation. In one of the few addresses to the West African country since seizing power from Niger’s democratically-elected president a week ago, … Read more

As France plans to shrink Sahel force, jihadi threat grows


During a gruelling, weeks-long mission in northern Mali, French soldiers were confronted by a familiar threat: Extremists trying to impose the same strict Islamic rule that preceded France‘s military intervention here more than eight years ago. Traumatized residents showed scars on their shoulders and backs from whippings they endured after failing to submit to the … Read more

France threatens to pull troops out of Mali


President Emmanuel Macron warned in comments published Sunday that France will pull its troops out of Mali if it lurches towards radical Islamism following the second coup in nine months. France has around 5,100 troops in the region under its so-called Barkhane operation which spans five countries in the Sahel — Burkina Faso, Chad, Mali, … Read more