Indonesian police arrest 8 suspected militants, part of a banned extremist group with al-Qaida links

Indonesian police arrest 8 suspected militants, part of a banned extremist group with al-Qaida links

Indonesia’s elite counterterrorism police arrested eight suspected militants in recent days believed to be part of a new cell linked to Jemaah Islamiyah, an al-Qaida-linked group, authorities said on April 20. Police conducted raids in Central Sulawesi province between April 16 and April 18, said Agus Nugroho, the provincial police chief, adding that five suspects … Read more

9/11 terrorists failed to shake belief in democracy, says UK PM Boris Johnson


The terrorists behind the 9/11 attacks in the United States failed to shake the belief in freedom and democracy, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said on Saturday, as the world marked the 20th anniversary of the terror strikes. In a message on Twitter, Johnson said that while the terror threat may not have gone away, … Read more

Afghanistan’s arc from 9/11 to today: Once hopeful, now sad


The sun had just begun to rise over the Hindu Kush Mountains when the Taliban disappeared from Kabul, the battered capital of Afghanistan. The bodies of foreign Arabs who had stayed behind were mutilated and bloodied. They had been found and killed by advancing Afghans of another faction who were brought to the city by … Read more

United States military conducts drone strike against al-Shabab fighters in Somalia


The United States conducted a drone strike against al-Shabab militants in Somalia on Tuesday, the first such military action against the al-Qaida affiliate in East Africa since the Biden administration took office in January. The strike was carried out by military aircraft against al-Shabab fighters who were attacking members of the Danab, an elite American-trained … Read more

As France plans to shrink Sahel force, jihadi threat grows


During a gruelling, weeks-long mission in northern Mali, French soldiers were confronted by a familiar threat: Extremists trying to impose the same strict Islamic rule that preceded France‘s military intervention here more than eight years ago. Traumatized residents showed scars on their shoulders and backs from whippings they endured after failing to submit to the … Read more

Biden officials place hope in Taliban’s desire for legitimacy and money


President Joe Biden’s plan to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan has drawn sharp criticism that it could allow a takeover by the Taliban, with brutal consequences, particularly for the rights of women and girls. In response, top Biden administration officials have offered a case for why the outcome may not be so dire: The Taliban, … Read more

General warns of challenges to tracking terrorist threats in Afghanistan after US exits


The top American commander in the Middle East said Tuesday that it would be “extremely difficult” for the United States to watch and counter terrorist threats in Afghanistan such as al-Qaida after U.S. troops leave the country by Sept. 11. The head of the U.S. Central Command, Gen. Kenneth McKenzie Jr., offered the first extensive … Read more