AI enabled IVF can revolutionise infertility treatment – ET HealthWorld

AI enabled IVF can revolutionise infertility treatment – ET HealthWorld

New Delhi: Artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing the field of assisted reproductive technology (ART) by providing new tools for improving the efficacy of in vitro fertilization (IVF) procedures. AI-powered systems can help doctors diagnose infertility, optimize treatment plans, and predict pregnancy outcomes with remarkable accuracy. Santaan was conceptualised with vision of “science for smiles”. With … Read more

Trumping Infertility amid Pandemic: Being Parent Essential for Social Standing, Continuing Treatment is not?


According to the demographic trends, fertility rates in India have slumped. By Dr Gauri Agarwal As the pandemic hit us in the face earlier this year, all other healthcare services were thrown off the gear to reduce the exposure of a contagion. Infertility treatment was also a casualty that is yet to start on the … Read more