AI can evaluate your heart health easily: Study – ET HealthWorld

AI can evaluate your heart health easily: Study – ET HealthWorld

New Delhi: Artificial intelligence is better than humans at assessing heart ultrasounds, the main test of overall cardiac health, the most rigorous trial yet conducted on the subject was found on Wednesday. While previous research has illustrated the potential power of AI models for reading medical scans, the authors of the new US study said … Read more

Tapping technology for heart health – ET HealthWorld

Tapping technology for heart health – ET HealthWorld

By Ajay Singh Chauhan The rhythmic sound of a beating heart is the best thing that a cardiologist wants to hear. Yet, for many cardiac patients, the path to that constant rhythm is far from steady. It is paved with many iterative technological innovations built on scientific technology and exciting medical disruptions. Research shows that … Read more

Cardiac patients need to be extra cautious during Diwali, Tech-innovation to help prevent after effects – ET HealthWorld

Cardiac patients need to be extra cautious during Diwali, Tech-innovation to help prevent after effects – ET HealthWorld

New Delhi: IHL has developed a tech-driven Heart Health Calculator, which serves as a preventive tool that helps in heart risk assessment using several factors, including age, BMI, BP and cholesterol levels. Senior Cardiologist and Padma Shri Awardee at Sir Gangaram Hospital, New Delhi, Dr Mohsin Wali said, “Heart diseases are preventable, and besides lifestyle … Read more

Nordic Walking Beats Other Workouts for Heart Health: Study

Nordic Walking Beats Other Workouts for Heart Health: Study

June 29, 2022 – A new study in people with heart disease shows that Nordic walking – think cross-country skiing without the skis – improved their mental and physical health more than other types of workouts. The researchers used a 6-minute walk test to measure 130 study participants’ “functional capacity,” which looks at … Read more

Tasty Modified Snacks Work to Lower Cholesterol: Study

Jan. 28, 2022 — What if you could lower your cholesterol by eating foods that you like? A new study shows that when people were asked to eat “hedonically acceptable” snacks that contained ingredients known to lower cholesterol, nearly all of them did. In contrast, only about half of people asked to change their diets … Read more

Intermittent Fasting Works, Helps at Least in the Short Term

truth about intermittent fasting

Dec. 23, 2021 — Intermittent fasting can lead to weight loss and other health benefits, at least in the short-term, new research suggests. Combined results from a total of 130 clinical trials show that intermittent fasting could help reduce weight, body mass index (BMI), body fat, “bad” cholesterol, fasting blood sugar, and blood … Read more

Low-Level Exposure to Toxic Metals Affects Heart Health

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Dec. 17, 2021 — People exposed to even low levels of certain toxic metals may increase their risk of atherosclerosis, the plaque buildup in the arteries that can cause strokes and heart attacks. A large study in Spain evaluated middle-aged people (97% of whom were male) working in an auto body factory to look for … Read more

More Evidence Ties Gum Disease With Heart Disease

By Robert PreidtHealthDay Reporter FRIDAY, Aug. 27, 2021 (HealthDay News) — New research offers further evidence of a link between gum disease and heart disease. The ongoing Swedish study previously found that gum disease (“periodontitis“) was much more common in first-time heart attack patients than in a group of healthy people. In this follow-up study, … Read more

Nutrient-Rich Plant-Based Foods Linked to Healthy Heart

“Quite a lot of our food supply is plant-based, but it tends to be highly processed and to have low-quality ingredients such as sugars or refined grains,” says senior author David R. Jacobs Jr., PhD. “What we are proposing is very similar to the U.S. dietary guideline” and the Mediterranean diet, but importantly, it … Read more

5-Minute Breathing Exercises Can Lower BP, Heart Attack Risk

July 8, 2021 — The demands of daily life often hinder people from getting enough physical exercise. But according to a new study, all it takes is 5 minutes of breathing exercises, 6 days a week, to lower blood pressure and improve heart health. The study, published June 29 in the Journal of the … Read more