Bird flu strain raises alarm as virus kills South American wildlife

Bird flu strain raises alarm as virus kills South American wildlife

The deadly H5N1 bird flu virus has spread more aggressively than ever before in wild birds and marine mammals since arriving in South America in 2022, raising the risk of it evolving into a bigger threat to humans, according to interviews with eight scientists. Of more immediate concern is evidence the disease, once largely confined … Read more

The next pandemic? It’s already here for Earth’s wildlife

The next pandemic? It’s already here for Earth’s wildlife

I am a conservation biologist who studies emerging infectious diseases. When people ask me what I think the next pandemic will be I often say that we are in the midst of one – it’s just afflicting a great many species more than ours. I am referring to the highly pathogenic strain of avian influenza … Read more

WHO concerned about bird flu cases in humans after girl’s death in Cambodia

WHO concerned about bird flu cases in humans after girl’s death in Cambodia

The World Health Organisation expressed concern about bird flu on February 24 after the father of an 11-year-old Cambodian girl who died from the disease also tested positive, raising fears of human-to-human transmission. Since late 2021, one of the worst global avian influenza outbreaks on record has seen tens of millions of poultry culled, mass … Read more

Bird Flu spread in India: Infection as a cause of worry in humans explained

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In birds, the flu is caused by Influenza type A virus called H5N1 and highly contagious among the species. Bird Flu is a word which is not new to Indians anymore, thanks to frequent outbreaks ever since the infection surfaced over a decade ago. While the first bird flu cases were reported majorly in 2006 … Read more