WHO considers declaring monkeypox a global health emergency

WHO considers declaring monkeypox a global health emergency

As the World Health Organisation convenes its emergency committee Thursday to consider if the spiraling outbreak of monkeypox warrants being declared a global emergency, some experts say WHO’s decision to act only after the disease spilled into the West could entrench the grotesque inequities that arose between rich and poor countries during the coronavirus pandemic. … Read more

Staying healthy and fit is the one mantra for better mental strength

mental health

‘A healthy mind dwells in a healthy body. During such distressing times, having physical strength is extremely important as it further helps build our immunity levels and develops our mental strength. (Photo source: IE) By Mohit Mathur, ‘Health is wealth’ was merely a saying until the pandemic’s outburst last year made us realize the true … Read more

UK PM Boris Johnson rejects COVID-19 criticism by former aide


British Prime Minister Boris Johnson rejected criticism from his former adviser Dominic Cummings on Wednesday, saying he did not accept Cummings’ accusation that government inaction led to unnecessary deaths. Asked by opposition Labour leader Keir Starmer whether he accepted the central allegations of Cummings’ testimony to a parliamentary committee, Johnson said “No.” “I don’t think … Read more

Vaccine Maitri: Fiji receives 100,000 doses of Made in India Covishield


Acting High Commissioner of India Saifullah Khan has handed over a consignment of 100,000 doses of Covishield vaccines to Fiji’s Prime Minister Rear Admiral (Retired) Josaia Voreqe Bainimarama on Tuesday. (Representational image: IE) A consignment of around 100,000 doses of Made in India COVISHIELD (AstraZeneca) vaccines reach Nadi International Airport, Fiji. This is in line … Read more

COVID-19: Tourism in Kerala’s Kumarakom set to revive! Hotels step up with holistic safety norms like ‘sun gazing’

Kumarakom backwaters

Think ‘Kumarakom’ and travellers turn dreamy-eyed at once! (Representational image: IE) Kumarakom backwaters: Good news for travellers and nature enthusiasts! Your next trip to Kumarakom can be an escape into serenity! With so many places to visit in Kumarakom, this is a relief for all those who have been longing to step out of their … Read more

Approach to development should be human-centric: PM Modi at US-India summit


Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Thursday that COVID-19 pandemic is testing resilience, public health system and economic system and the current situation demands fresh mindset where the approach to development is human-centric. “When 2020 began, did anyone imagine how it would pan out? A global pandemic has impacted everyone. It’s testing our resilience, public … Read more