How to deal with ‘Pandemic obesity’?

How to deal with ‘Pandemic obesity’?

By Gagan Dhawan,  The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed us in many ways. Unwelcome changes like lockdown restrictions and work from home culture, our daily routine, activity levels, food habits, and sleep patterns have turned upside down. Several researches reported that these lifestyle changes resulted in weight gain/obesity amongst youngsters. With offices, schools, colleges, shops, etc. closing … Read more

Future of food: Indian consumers turn focus on health, convenience amid Covid-19, emission concerns

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Today, half the habitable land in the world is used for agriculture and contributes significantly to global emissions. (Reuters) The Covid-19 pandemic has sparked greater focus on health, convenience, and sustainability among consumers as attention turned to proteins and fresh proteins, a Deloitte India survey has found. The ‘Future of Food’ report, launched today at … Read more

How young Indians eat? Major traction from these cities for ready-to-eat meals, snacks: Prerna Kalra, DaalChini

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Notably, DaalChini has incorporated a tech-driven, temperature-controlled supply chain which is not demand-driven but forecast-driven led by machine learning-based projection tools. Given how the second wave gained momentum, it is no surprise that Indians stayed at home and WFH continued to be the new norm. However, not all offices have been closed and many office … Read more

A diet healthy for planet: Don’t only think green, it’s time to eat green!

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Over 100 experts from both developed and developing economies had worked on the report, and hence the macro-aspect of all economies were taken into consideration. If someone were to tell you that your food habits are fuelling global warming and slowing the process of curbing the ill-effects of climate change, you would probably feign ignorance, … Read more

World Food Day: Time to relook at our food choices

World Food Day

Consumers can bring in the change in the way food system operates since they are the center piece of it. (Image: Getty Images via IE) By Himanshu Bakshi Today more than ever, the famous quote from Hippocrates ‘Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food’ holds true, as the pandemic puts the spotlight … Read more

COVID-19: Ayurveda’s emphasis on healthy food habits and good sleep


To the extent possible one should try to adopt the practice of having early and light dinner. (Representational image: IE) By Bhuvaneswari Ravindran Ayurveda recommends that good food habits have to be followed up with a healthy lifestyle and exercising. In these lock down days, when we are stuck at home, engaged in indoor activities only, … Read more

COVID-19: Boosting immunity through Ayurveda

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My own personal experience has been that Ayurveda and Yoga give better relief and comfort for certain ailments. (Photo source: IE) By Bhuvaneswari Ravindran COVID-19: Of late, Ayurveda has been getting importance and publicity at national level, in the context of solutions it offers to boost immunity in our fight against COVID 19. Our mailboxes … Read more