India-Sweden Healthcare Innovation Centre 2nd edition ‘Innovation Challenge’ to focus on Covid management solutions – ET HealthWorld

india sweden healthcare innovation centre 2nd edition innovation challenge to focus on covid management solutions

India-Sweden Healthcare Innovation Centre, a collaboration between the Swedish Trade Commissioner’s Office, AIIMS Delhi and AIIMS Jodhpur, virtually launched its second edition of the healthcare innovation challenge. The innovation challenge is an opportunity for startups to collaborate with partners on the Innovation Centre platform to help solve some of the problems in the healthcare delivery … Read more

iOS 15 Announced: All the New Features Announced at WWDC 2021

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Apple has officially unveiled iOS 15, and like many recent rumours and leaks suggested, several far-reaching improvements have come to iMessage and FaceTime. There’s also new system-wide emphasis on sharing and communication, as well as even more privacy-related features, and new ways to leverage on-device intelligence. iOS 15 will roll out to iPhone 6s and later … Read more

ADHD in Children: Focus on the Positives

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Jami Demuth is the mother of three children, ages 12, 14, and 16 — all of whom have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Her parenting strategy? She encourages them to find ways to use their ADHD symptoms to their advantage. “I tell my kids all the time, [ADHD] is your greatest superpower,” says Demuth. … Read more

Digital health in spotlight as pandemic shifts tech show focus – ET HealthWorld

digital health in spotlight as pandemic shifts tech show focus

Washington: Digital health care is in the spotlight at the tech industry’s big event this week amid a pandemic that has highlighted the importance of remote services, with a potentially lasting impact on medical delivery. The Consumer Electronics Show, which is being held online from Monday, will showcase technology for remote patient visits, biosensors and … Read more

Mehbooba Mufti’s release: Article 370, Gupkar Declaration and alliance with Abdullahs in focus

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Mehbooba Mufti, the former Jammu and Kashmir chief minister and People’s Democratic Party (PDP) chief, was released on Tuesday night from detention. Mehbooba Mufti spent 14 months in detention — first preventive and then under the Public Safety Act (PSA). Mehbooba Mufti had been put under detention in August last year in the wake of … Read more

‘Anti-Vaxx’ Movement Shifts Focus to Civil Liberties

WEDNESDAY, Oct. 7, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Facebook chatter from the anti-vaccination movement now frames the issue as one of civil liberties, a new study finds. As a COVID-19 vaccine gets closer to becoming a reality, opposition from so-called anti-vaxxer groups could become a political movement, researchers warn. For the study, the investigators … Read more

High sales, health focus make e-pharmacy hot – ET HealthWorld

high sales health focus make e pharmacy hot

BENGALURU: Consumer stickiness, average order size increasing to $15-20 and the possibility of selling other healthcare services like online doctor consultation and diagnostics services have caught the interest of large strategic names like Reliance Industries and Amazon, driving them to the e-pharmacy sector. E-pharmacy had over 3 million users before the pandemic struck in India, … Read more

High sales, health focus make e-pharmacy hot – ET HealthWorld

high sales health focus make e pharmacy hot

Representative image Bengaluru: Consumer stickiness, average order size increasing to $15-20 and the possibility of selling other healthcare services like online doctor consultation and diagnostics services have caught the interest of large strategic names like Reliance Industries and Amazon, driving them to the e-pharmacy sector. E-pharmacy had over 3 million users before the pandemic struck … Read more