‘We couldn’t afford fertility treatment so we risked finding a sperm donor on Facebook’

‘We couldn’t afford fertility treatment so we risked finding a sperm donor on Facebook’

Private clinics were not an option for Lorraine and her partner, however. “It was far, far too much money, it would take me years to save up,” Lorraine says. Obtaining sperm from a sperm bank costs between £600 to £1,300 pounds per sample, depending on the country of origin. Source link

Finding Your MS Support Community

Finding Your MS Support Community

In 2009, Hannah Perryman made an appointment with an ophthalmologist to find out what was causing blurred vision and eye pain. After a series of tests, including an MRI, she received a diagnosis of multiple sclerosis. She started medication to manage the optical symptoms but realized she also needed help with the emotional toll of … Read more

Healthier 2021: Laura Is Finding Motivation in Her ‘Why’

Healthier 2021: Laura Is Finding Motivation in Her ‘Why’

This post appears as part of our Healthier 2021 series, in which we follow three WebMD team members as they strive to improve their health this year. You can follow their journeys here. By Laura J. Downey I am not perfect. As much as I like to cross every T and dot … Read more

Thanksgiving Guide: Finding Antibiotic-Free Turkeys

Thanksgiving Guide: Finding Antibiotic-Free Turkeys

Nov. 20, 2020 — As Americans shop for their Thanksgiving turkeys, a public health advocacy group has issued a buying guide that rates brands based on their antibiotic use policies. Of the 15 brands evaluated, eight got the green light, four a caution light, and three brands a red light, based on … Read more

New Finding Reveals Why Certain COVID Patients Die

New Finding Reveals Why Certain COVID Patients Die

“Interferons are like a fire alarm and a sprinkler system all in one,” said Rasmussen, who wasn’t involved in the new studies. Lab studies show interferons are suppressed in some people with COVID-19, perhaps by the virus itself. Interferons are particularly important for protecting the body against new viruses, such as the coronavirus, … Read more

How close are we to finding a treatment?

How close are we to finding a treatment?

Image copyright Getty Images Trials around the world are attempting to identify treatments for people with severe Covid-19. The first drugs that do make a difference are now being identified. What work is being done to find treatments? More than 150 different drugs are being researched in different countries. Most are existing drugs that are … Read more