Novel method to accurately, quickly detect COVID-19 from phone swabs – ET HealthWorld

novel method to accurately quickly detect covid 19 from phone swabs

Researchers have developed a non-invasive and low-cost method that can accurately and rapidly detect Covid-19 using samples taken from the screens of smartphones. The researchers from University College London (UCL) in the UK analysed swabs from mobile screens rather than directly from people using the method known as Phone Screen Testing (PoST). They found that … Read more

AI algorithms detect diabetic eye disease inconsistently – ET HealthWorld

ai algorithms detect diabetic eye disease inconsistently

Washington: A new study looks at the effectiveness of seven artificial intelligence-based screening algorithms to diagnose diabetic retinopathy, the most common diabetic eye disease leading to vision loss. In a paper in Diabetes Care, researchers compared the algorithms against the diagnostic expertise of retina specialists. Five companies produced the tested algorithms – two in the … Read more