Dating With MS

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Ann Marie Johnson learned that she had multiple sclerosis (MS) in 2002, when she was 30 years old. Amid fears about losing her mobility, she had another worry. “Will I be able to find someone? Who is going to want me?” she wondered. She watched her friends without chronic illnesses struggle to find the … Read more

Dating During the Pandemic: Online and Restless

Abraar Karan, MD, internal medicine and global health doctor, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston. Dolores Albarracin, PhD, professor of psychology, business, and medicine, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.Sara Heimerl, senior director of matchmaking, Selective Search, Chicago. Rachel DeAlto, chief dating expert, Match Lisa Bonos, dating and relationships writer, The Washington Post Style Section, … Read more

Dating app acquaintance blackmailing me with intimate video, alleges Noida man

Noida Sector 39 police station

The private company executive told Noida Police that blackmailers are threatening to post an intimate video of him on social media if he fails to pay the ransom. [REPRESENTATIVE IMAGE] File photo of Noida Sector 39 police station (Picture Courtesy: Facebook @RWA sector-41 Noida) Noida Police are probing a case where a private company employee … Read more

Facing tough love from users and investors, dating apps move towards marriage fixing


The Indian dating app industry, after facing some tough love from users and investors, is making a switch to the serious relationships, pre-wedding, and wedding market. The casual dating market dominated by Tinder and Bumble is seen as a lost cause. It is a small market with heavily funded international players. The new strategy is: … Read more