Vaccinations Cut U.S. COVID Deaths by 58%

Vaccinations Cut U.S. COVID Deaths by 58%

By Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter WEDNESDAY, July 6, 2022 (HealthDay News) — The U.S. COVID-19 vaccination program slashed the coronavirus’ expected death rate by as much as 58%, saving hundreds of thousands of lives during the first two waves of the pandemic, a new study says. Computer models estimate that vaccines prevented 235,000 COVID deaths … Read more

Counting India’s Covid deaths: Is official data showing the real catastrophe of 2nd wave?

Ahmedabad Cremation Ground PTI photo

With hospitals running out of oxygen and crematorium frames melting away, India is witnessing more and more citizens dying due to Covid-19 infection. (PTI Photo) India’s Covid-19 Fatality Rate Latest Update: India on Tuesday lost 1,761 lives due to the raging second wave of the coronavirus. 1,761 men, women, daughters, sons, dreams and hopes are … Read more

Covid-19: Are some states hiding death numbers despite rising cases?

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At the start of the pandemic, hospitals were overflowing and there was no cure but, over time, management has gotten better. India may have been registering more deaths than any other country but, given more infections have been detected due to increased testing, the case fatality rate — total deaths upon total cases — is … Read more