Should you skip your emergency fund and start investing right away? Expert shares his views

Should you skip your emergency fund and start investing right away? Expert shares his views

A valuable guideline advised by financial experts is to maintain an emergency fund – a fund that consists of a sufficient sum of money saved to sustain living expenses for a period of three to six months. An emergency fund serves as a financial buffer specifically designated for unforeseen circumstances like medical emergencies, household repairs, … Read more

Mother’s Day 2024: Gift these 4 unique options to your mother for her financial stability

Mother’s Day 2024: Gift these 4 unique options to your mother for her financial stability

Mother’s Day is a chance to celebrate the amazing women who raised us. It’s a day to shower them with love and appreciation for their endless sacrifices and unwavering support. It presents a unique opportunity to think beyond traditional gifts and consider options beyond mere material pleasure, which provide lasting value and financial stability: a … Read more

Coronavirus Chased Off Tourists—Lots of Locals Don’t Want Them Ever Flocking Back

Coronavirus Chased Off Tourists—Lots of Locals Don’t Want Them Ever Flocking Back

KYOTO, Japan—The bustle of tourists has disappeared from this ancient capital—only to be replaced by dissension over whether they should ever be welcomed back. Mimiko Takayasu, 80 years old, is proprietress of a century-old tea house where geisha entertain wealthy Japanese with traditional music and dance. Until the coronavirus pandemic, the streets of Gion, Kyoto’s … Read more