To Keep Schools Open as Covid Surges, Europe Isolates Infected Students


LONDON—European governments are working to keep schools open amid a rise in coronavirus infections, removing pupils suspected of being infected and so far avoiding a repeat of the wide-scale spring closures. Governments in the U.K., France, Germany and elsewhere say they are determined to keep classrooms open in the fall both because it enables parents … Read more

U.K. Imposes New Covid-19 Restrictions as Europe’s Infections Rise


LONDON—The U.K. placed new limits on social gatherings to stem the spread of coronavirus, becoming the latest country in Europe to reimpose restrictions on daily life amid a surge in cases there. The move highlights European governments’ anxiety that coming months could bring another severe bout of illness and death if the spread of Covid-19 … Read more

Boris Johnson Wants Scope to Boost Government Intervention, Rattling Brexit Talks


For decades, Britain’s Conservative Party politicians decried the European Union for its supposed aversion to free markets. Now trade negotiations that will define the future relationship between the U.K. and the EU from next year have stalled, in large part because Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s government wants the freedom to ignore EU rules limiting state … Read more

Britain reviewing covid-fighting options including London lockdown


London:The UK is looking at all options for tackling flare-ups of the coronavirus and will use regional data to target its response, Local Government Secretary Robert Jenrick said, following newspaper reports that a London-wide lockdown is being considered if cases spike in the capital. While Jenrick said he wasn’t aware of a plan to seal … Read more

Shadow of second wave of the virus hangs over efforts by world leaders to restore normality


By Flavia Krause-Jackson Shuttering businesses, grounding airlines and ordering people to stay home was hard enough the first time. The thought of having to do it all over again is something world leaders don’t want to even contemplate. From Italy to New Zealand, irrespective of how well the virus was contained, governments acknowledge that fresh … Read more