Israel, Hamas clash fuels communal fighting on city streets


Fighting between Israel and Gaza Strip militants is spilling over into communal clashes inside Israel, where decades of pent-up grievances and nationalism have exploded into mob violence between Arabs and Jews Street battles have spread across the country, with marauders attacking people, synagogues, businesses and vehicles. On Wednesday, a Jew and an Arab were badly … Read more

World leaders pledge climate action at summit


World leaders are pledging action on climate change on the virtual climate summit‘s second day. Denmark’s Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen on Friday renewed her country’s pledge to end oil and gas exploration in the North Sea, switching to massive wind farms. Danish companies are planning several wind farms off the U.S. East Coast as part … Read more

World Leaders Ready Themselves for a Biden Presidency


After a drawn-out vote count that transfixed not just the U.S. but most of the world, many global leaders on Saturday were quick to respond to former Vice President Joe Biden’s election victory, with most sending congratulations and vowing to work with him. In Europe, where many countries hope President-elect Biden will reverse some of … Read more

Israeli parliament backs UAE normalisation deal


Israel’s parliament voted Thursday in favour of normalisation of ties with the United Arab Emirates after a marathon debate with over 100 speeches lasting more than eight hours. A total of 80 lawmakers voted to approve the US-brokered agreement, with 13 from the Arab-led Joint List against. “This historic agreement… will bring us closer to … Read more

Indo-Israel rapid COVID-19 testing research to fructify in ‘matter of days’: Israeli envoy


NEW DELHI: A game-changer rapid COVID-19 testing technology being jointly developed by India and Israel should be ready for rollout in “a matter of days” and it will be able to give test results in less than a minute by simply requiring an individual to blow into a tube, the Israeli envoy to India has … Read more

Israel’s Prime Minister Says Hezbollah Is Stashing More Explosive Weapons in Beirut


TEL AVIV—Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Tuesday accused Hezbollah of improperly storing weapons in a civilian area near Lebanon’s capital that could explode soon, adding pressure on the Iran-allied group as it faces blowback over August’s deadly blast in Beirut. Mr. Netanyahu showed satellite photos of what he said was a missile factory located … Read more

Bahrain to Forge Ties With Israel, Trump Says


TEL AVIV—Bahrain and Israel will normalize ties in a U.S.-brokered deal, President Trump said Friday, advancing a broader realignment in the Middle East as Israel and Gulf Arab states find common cause against Iran. The deal signals a monumental shift in the region, where most Arab states previously had held off on making peace with … Read more

Israel plans curfews and school closures to stem a surge in coronavirus infections


TEL AVIV—Israel plans to impose nighttime curfews and close schools in dozens of cities and towns hit hard by the coronavirus, as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces growing pressure to contain a rapid upsurge in infections. The curfews are expected to go into effect Tuesday at 7 p.m. local time and will last until 5 … Read more

Possible F-35 Jet Sale to U.A.E. Puts Israel in Bind


TEL AVIV—Talks between the U.S. and the United Arab Emirates on a potential sale of advanced F-35 jets is raising thorny questions for Israel’s security in the Middle East. The U.A.E. has long sought the jet fighters, and the deal last week to normalize diplomatic relations with Israel was forged with an understanding that the … Read more