Rwanda accused of ‘act of war’ as DRC fighter jet is hit mid-air | CNN

Rwanda accused of ‘act of war’ as DRC fighter jet is hit mid-air | CNN

CNN  —  The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) on Tuesday denounced Rwanda’s accusation that a Congolese fighter jet violated Rwandan airspace, alleging the aircraft was attacked by Rwandan forces in a “deliberate act of aggression that amounts to an act of war.” Rwanda’s government communications office released a statement on Twitter Tuesday which said: “Today … Read more

At least 68 killed in Nepal’s worst airplane crash in 30 years | CNN

At least 68 killed in Nepal’s worst airplane crash in 30 years | CNN

Kathmandu, Nepal CNN  —  At least 68 people were killed Sunday when an aircraft went down near the city of Pokhara in central Nepal, a government official said, the country’s deadliest plane crash in more than 30 years. Seventy-two people – four crew members and 68 passengers – were on board the ATR 72 plane … Read more

Canada agrees $14 billion deal for F-35 stealth fighter jets | CNN

Canada agrees $14 billion deal for F-35 stealth fighter jets | CNN

CNN  —  Canada is buying 88 F-35 stealth fighter jets in a $14.2 billion deal announced Monday by the Ottawa government. The first of the US-made planes are expected to enter the Royal Canadian Air Force in 2026 with the full fleet being operational by 2033 or 2034, a Canadian government news release said. With … Read more

South Korea fires warning shots after North Korean drones enter its airspace | CNN

South Korea fires warning shots after North Korean drones enter its airspace | CNN

CNN  —  Five North Korean drones crossed into South Korean airspace on Monday, prompting the South Korean military to deploy fighter jets and attack helicopters, the country’s defense ministry said. The ministry said South Korea’s military fired shots at the drones, but added it couldn’t confirm whether any drones were shot down. Lee Seung-oh, a … Read more

Soyuz spacecraft docked to International Space Station springs ‘fairly significant’ coolant leak | CNN

Soyuz spacecraft docked to International Space Station springs ‘fairly significant’ coolant leak | CNN

CNN  —  A planned spacewalk by the Russian space agency Roscosmos has been called off following the discovery of a coolant leak coming from the Soyuz MS-22 spacecraft, which is currently docked to the International Space Station. NASA’s Rob Navias, speaking on a late Wednesday evening NASA TV broadcast, called it a “fairly significant” leak. … Read more

United places order for 200 Boeing planes, giving two troubled jets a vote of confidence | CNN Business

United places order for 200 Boeing planes, giving two troubled jets a vote of confidence | CNN Business

New York CNN  —  United Airlines placed a massive order for at least 200 Boeing planes on Tuesday, split between two models dogged by recent problems: the 737 Max and the 787 Dreamliner. It’s a crucial vote of confidence for Boeing, which took tens of billions of dollars in financial losses due to the problems … Read more

Why the birthplace of Islam is hosting one of the world’s biggest raves | CNN

Why the birthplace of Islam is hosting one of the world’s biggest raves | CNN

Editor’s Note: A version of this story first appeared in CNN’s Meanwhile in the Middle East newsletter, a three-times-a-week look inside the region’s biggest stories. Sign up here. Abu Dhabi, UAE CNN  —  Electronic music, strobe lights, glittered faces and hundreds of thousands of people in mixed-gender gyrations are all part of a new kind … Read more

New era begins with China’s launch of crewed mission to its space station | CNN

New era begins with China’s launch of crewed mission to its space station | CNN

Sign up for CNN’s Wonder Theory science newsletter. Explore the universe with news on fascinating discoveries, scientific advancements and more. CNN  —  Three astronauts lifted off to China’s nearly completed space station on Tuesday, marking the beginning of the country’s long-term presence in space. It’s a major achievement for China’s ambitious space program, which has … Read more

19 dead after commercial aircraft crashes into Lake Victoria in Tanzania | CNN

19 dead after commercial aircraft crashes into Lake Victoria in Tanzania | CNN

CNN  —  A Tanzanian commercial flight operated by Precision Air crash-landed in bad weather in Lake Victoria on Sunday, killing 19 people. The country’s Prime Minister, Kassim Majaliwa, said officials believe all bodies have been recovered from the airplane. “We’re starting to pull out the luggage and personal items from the aircraft. A team of … Read more

Climate activists block private jet runway at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam | CNN

Climate activists block private jet runway at Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam | CNN

CNN  —  Hundreds of climate activists breached a runway Saturday at Amsterdam’s Schiphol airport to try to stop private jets from taking off, in the latest demonstration by protesters aimed at drawing attention to the climate crisis. Greenpeace Netherlands said “more than 500” Greenpeace and Extinction Rebellion activists were at the airport, one of Europe’s … Read more