Empowering Patients: The Intersection of Patient Rights and Technological Progress in Primary Healthcare – ET HealthWorld

Empowering Patients: The Intersection of Patient Rights and Technological Progress in Primary Healthcare – ET HealthWorld

By Dr Raman Kumar As the realm of healthcare undergoes rapid evolution propelled by technological breakthroughs and the escalating healthcare demands of burgeoning populations, the spotlight on patients’ rights intensifies. This paradigm shift extends far beyond the borders of India, encompassing a global trend that resonates across diverse countries. In this digital epoch, where innovative … Read more

Doctors’ body pitches for reviving concept of family physicians

Doctors’ body pitches for reviving concept of family physicians

The Academy of Family Physicians of India (AFPI) on Thursday highlighted the need for reviving the concept of family physicians and popularising family medicine as a clinical speciality. World Family Doctor Day is being observed on May 19 to highlight the role and contribution of family doctors in healthcare systems around the world. “Family doctor … Read more