How Does Social Media Affect ‘Life Satisfaction’ in Kids?

How Does Social Media Affect ‘Life Satisfaction’ in Kids?

By Robert Preidt HealthDay ReporterHealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, March 29, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Your child’s risk of harm from social media is higher at certain ages and it’s different for girls and boys, researchers report. To figure out how social media use affected “life satisfaction” among 10- to 21-year-olds, the investigators analyzed long-term data on … Read more

Ways Peripheral Artery Disease Can Affect Your Work

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A few years ago, Dale Smith was unable to walk more than 10 or 15 paces at work before leg and toe pain forced her to sit and rest. As assistant manager of a grocery store in Beebe, AR, that was a big problem. “I have to constantly be on the floor walking,” says Smith, … Read more

Coffee Can Affect Your Heart’s Rhythms

By Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter MONDAY, Nov. 15, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Your daily cup of joe might be a quick pick-me-up, but it comes with a mixed bag of good and not-so-good effects on your health, a new study reports. Drinking coffee helps people stay more active, but it also significantly robs some of … Read more

U.S. Postal Service Warns Vaccine Mandate Could Affect Deliveries

Nov. 11, 2021 — The U.S. Postal Service expressed concerns on Wednesday that the Biden administration’s vaccine mandate for large companies could affect deliveries, according to Reuters. In a financial filing, the USPS said complying with the order could lead to “labor challenges and high levels of absenteeism.” The postal service has 644,000 employees across … Read more

Moon Phases May Affect Sleep Differently in Men and Women

Nov. 1, 2021 — A popular urban legend is that accidents and other strange things happen more often during a full moon. While the evidence doesn’t bear that out, it’s possible people might sleep differently during different phases of the moon, a new study suggests. As the moon’s brightness increases daily from a new moon … Read more

Here’s How COVID-19 Can Affect Your Mouth

And, Hewlett added, while it’s not clear how long oral symptoms may persist, it appears they can be part of the constellation of symptoms known as “long COVID.” The term refers to patients who continue to struggle with COVID-related health issues months after recovering from many of their initial symptoms. Oral health issues have … Read more

Blood Type Doesn’t Affect Your COVID Risk

MONDAY, April 5, 2021 (HealthDay News) — A or B, AB or O, it doesn’t matter — your blood type has nothing to do with your risk of contracting severe COVID-19, a new study concludes. Early in the pandemic, some reports suggested people with A-type blood were more susceptible to COVID, while those with … Read more

How Genes Affect Lung Cancer

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When you hear the word “genes,” you might think about the ones you inherit from your parents. But while genes and lung cancer do have a tie, very few known genes can transfer a higher chance of lung cancer from parent to child. “We don’t see those [people] very often at all, because most … Read more

Strep Throat Doesn’t Worsen Tourette’s, May Affect ADHD

By Robert PreidtHealthDay Reporter TUESDAY, March 2, 2021 (HealthDay News) — Strep throat doesn’t appear to aggravate Tourette syndrome and other chronic tic disorders in youngsters, according to a new study. But it did find an association between strep infection and increased hyperactivity and impulsiveness among kids with ADHD. People with chronic tic disorders have … Read more