Sexual Dysfunction, Hair Loss Linked With Long COVID

Sexual Dysfunction, Hair Loss Linked With Long COVID

Aug. 12, 2022 – Hair loss, reduced sex drive, and erectile dysfunction have joined a list of better-known symptoms linked to long COVID in patients who were not hospitalized, according to findings of a large study. Anuradhaa Subramanian, PhD, with the Institute of Applied Health Research at the University of Birmingham in the United Kingdom, … Read more

No need to panic but exercise caution: Experts amid rise in Covid cases in Delhi

No need to panic but exercise caution: Experts amid rise in Covid cases in Delhi

Amid a spike in Covid cases in Delhi, experts on Tuesday said there was no need to panic as the number of coronavirus patients getting hospitalised was still on the lower side but asserted that every individual should exercise caution and follow all safety norms. Delhi on Monday reported 1,060 new Covid cases in a … Read more

Delhi govt issues guidelines for schools: Students, staff shouldn’t be allowed to enter school premises without thermal scanning

Delhi govt issues guidelines for schools: Students, staff shouldn’t be allowed to enter school premises without thermal scanning

No student or staff should be allowed entry into school premises without thermal scanning and if any of them tests Covid positive, the institute’s authorities must take appropriate quarantine measures, according to Delhi government guidelines for schools. The guidelines were issued in the wake of a spike in coronavirus patients in the city that on … Read more

Long Covid symptoms six times more common in severe cases, varies depending on variants: Study

Long Covid symptoms six times more common in severe cases, varies depending on variants: Study

Researchers compared long Covid-19 symptoms with the original Wuhan variant and alpha variant and found the virus displayed different emotional and neurological symptoms As health experts get a grip on controlling immediate symptoms from Covid-19 through all kinds of variants, researchers are trying to understand a post-pandemic world, how long Covid symptoms will affect the … Read more

Remdesivir to be used in patients with moderate to severe COVID-19: Health Ministry


According to the clinical guidance issued by the Union health ministry for management of the infection in adult patients, Remdesivir has been asked to be “used in patients with moderate to severe COVID-19 and those with no renal or hepatic dysfunction within 10 days of onset of any symptom”. The Centre on Friday said Remdesivir … Read more

Here’s How COVID-19 Can Affect Your Mouth

And, Hewlett added, while it’s not clear how long oral symptoms may persist, it appears they can be part of the constellation of symptoms known as “long COVID.” The term refers to patients who continue to struggle with COVID-related health issues months after recovering from many of their initial symptoms. Oral health issues have … Read more

When Is a Person With COVID-19 Most Infectious?

FRIDAY, Aug. 27, 2021 (HealthDay News) — New research delivers an answer to a burning question: When are COVID-19 patients most infectious? The answer? Two days before and three days after they develop symptoms. The findings highlight the importance of rapid testing and quarantine if someone is feeling sick, the study authors said. … Read more

People with prolonged or severe Covid have highest antibody levels: Study

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Most people who were infected by SARS-CoV-2 developed antibodies. The study revealed that antibody production was based on severity of symptoms A new study has found that those with severe and long-lasting Covid-19 symptoms are likely to have higher levels of antibody which is needed to fight against future infections. This new study from Rutgers … Read more

Delhi Covid surge mostly among young, containment zone strategy better than total lockdown, says AIIMS Chief

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AIIMs Director Dr Randeep Guleria on Covid-19 secind wave in Delhi (IE Image) The Covid surge that brought the second wave of the pandemic in the country has reached the national capital. Delhi witnessed a record high of close to 2,000 cases in around three-and-half months and private hospital running out of hospital beds. AIIMS … Read more

‘COVID Tongue’ May Be a Symptom, Professor Says

Jan. 29, 20201 — A professor in the United Kingdom says he’s finding more COVID-19 patients reporting oral problems, such as tongue discoloration and enlargement. “Seeing increasing numbers of Covid tongues and strange mouth ulcers. If you have a strange symptom or even just headache and fatigue stay at home!” tweeted Tim Spector, a … Read more