From Monitoring to Predictive Analysis: How RPM is Advancing Healthcare Delivery using Technology – ET HealthWorld

From Monitoring to Predictive Analysis: How RPM is Advancing Healthcare Delivery using Technology – ET HealthWorld

By Vikram Thaploo Telehealth has become a prevalent part of healthcare due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and one area that has seen significant progress is remote patient monitoring (RPM). RPM had been beneficial during the pandemic by allowing hospitals to monitor and treat patients at home, which helped reduce the risk of transmission of the … Read more

Challenges AI is Facing for Advancing Patient Safety in Healthcare, Health News, ET HealthWorld

Challenges AI is Facing for Advancing Patient Safety in Healthcare, Health News, ET HealthWorld

by Dr Suman Katragadda The implementation of the PM Ayushman Bharat Health Infrastructure Mission by the National Health Authority (NHA) is set to address deficiencies in the sector, by expanding pandemic research centers and enhancing medical facilities for treatment and disease diagnosis. The growing trend towards digitalization in healthcare, coupled with increased government funding and … Read more

Artificial Intelligence: How the adoption of AI in healthcare is advancing in medical treatment, Health News, ET HealthWorld

Artificial Intelligence: How the adoption of AI in healthcare is advancing in medical treatment, Health News, ET HealthWorld

By Nilesh Jahagirdar Artificial Intelligence (AI) has been prevalent in almost every business sector. However, in recent years, technology has burst into the healthcare landscape, propelling innovations and showcasing the potential to support medical practitioners and patients. From early disease diagnosis, drug discovery and trials, and precision in patient monitoring to self-care, AI algorithms have … Read more