Only 12% of Bengaluru’s population above 50 years have received any adult vaccines, finds survey

Only 12% of Bengaluru’s population above 50 years have received any adult vaccines, finds survey

Although 84% of 150 adults surveyed in Bengaluru are aware of adult vaccination, a significant number of adults (89%) and their caregivers (93%) said they would trust their doctor’s word if advised to get vaccinated.  | Photo Credit: file photo A recent survey conducted by The Association of Physicians of India (API) and Ipsos (a … Read more

How to Keep Adult Friendships

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Your friends help you live a healthier, happier life. Healthy friendships are linked to good things like lower stress, a positive sense of well-being, improved memory, better heart health, and a longer life. “Friendships affect our mood, sense of security, life experiences, and health,” says Mac Stanley Cazeau, LMHC, a couples therapist in New York … Read more

Covid: Child vaccine trial paused over possible adult clot link

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Confirming that the trial on children was being paused, Prof Pollard said: “Whilst there are no safety concerns in the paediatric clinical trial, we await additional information from the MHRA on its review of rare cases of thrombosis/thrombocytopaenia that have been reported in adults, before giving any further vaccinations in the trial.” Source link

High-Functioning Adult ADHD: What It’s Like

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SOURCES: Denise Leung, MD, assistant professor of psychiatry, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, medical director of quality, Department of Psychiatry, NYPH-CUIMC; program medical director, Morgan Stanley Children’s Hospital Community and Acute Outpatient Psychiatry Services, Child and Adolescent Health, New York City. Edward M. Hallowell, MD, board-certified child and adult psychiatrist, author of ADHD 2.0: New … Read more

Obesity Costs a U.S. Adult almost $1,900 per Year

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WEDNESDAY, March 24, 2021 (HealthDay News) — For people who are obese, even a small amount of weight gain may come with higher medical costs, a new study finds. It’s well known that obesity contributes to health conditions like arthritis, diabetes, heart disease and certain cancers — and health care costs reflect that. But the … Read more

Older Adult: Tips to Spice Up Your Sex Life

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Just because you’re older, doesn’t mean it’s over. “I have a graphic that says, ‘Old people have sex. Get over it,” says Joan Price, a 77-year-old award-winning author, public speaker, and educator specializing in senior sex. “There’s no expiration date on sexuality, but many people let it go because their bodies don’t work the … Read more

Biden Vows Enough COVID-19 Vaccine for Every Adult in May

March 2, 2021 — President Joe Biden on Tuesday said the United States will have enough COVID-19 vaccine doses to inoculate every American adult by May. In an afternoon address, Biden also said: That pharma giant Merck will begin producing Johnson & Johnson’s recently authorized vaccine 24 hours a day, 7 days a … Read more