In a Shattered Beirut, Property Predators Circle Storied Neighborhoods


As Beirut reels from the blast that killed more than 180 people and damaged thousands of homes in prime areas of the city, some buyers and real-estate brokers are seeking to exploit the devastation with cut-rate offers to buy property from distressed owners—deals that could ultimately reshape Beirut’s historic neighborhoods. Source link

Navalny Cleared to Fly to Germany, but His Plight Could Chill Putin’s Opponents


MOSCOW—The sudden, unexplained illness of Alexei Navalny comes in the midst of what has been a difficult year for Russia’s leader, President Vladimir Putin. Mr. Navalny has for years been the Kremlin’s most effective critic, with some four million followers on his campaigning YouTube channel. He fell ill on a flight from Siberia to Moscow … Read more

After the Beirut Explosion, Volunteers Step Up to Do What the Government Can’t


BEIRUT—Hours after a catastrophic blast ripped through Beirut on Aug. 4, hundreds of volunteers fanned out across devastated neighborhoods, caring for the wounded, assessing damaged buildings and clearing rubble. The people of Lebanon had little faith their government could rise to the challenge. Lebanon’s state institutions have failed the country—before and after the blast. The tragedy was … Read more

Flooding Again Pounds China’s Three Gorges Dam


Heavy rains that again swelled the Yangtze River are expected to hit the Three Gorges Dam with its largest-ever flood this week. The new rainfall at a time when summer rains usually have subsided threatens to prolong a crisis that has already caused billions of dollars in economic losses and displaced millions of people. In … Read more

The Latest Project to Preserve Pompeii Reveals New Treasures


The mainly Italian tourists visiting the ruins of Italy’s ancient city of Pompeii are getting a rare chance to see the site without the usual crowds—and admire spectacular finds unearthed during a six-year conservation project that is just now drawing to a close. In a corner of the city that was frozen in time by … Read more

Lebanese Face Threat of Widespread Hunger After Beirut Explosion


BEIRUT—In the wake of the massive explosion that devastated large parts of the Lebanese capital, a new danger is stalking the struggling country: hunger. The early August blast, which killed more than 150 people and displaced hundreds of thousands from their homes, destroyed the grain silos storing most of the country’s wheat supplies and badly … Read more

Teenage girls to launch Africa’s first private space satellite | CNN Business

Teenage girls to launch Africa’s first private space satellite | CNN Business

Story highlights Africa will launch its first private satellite into space It’s been built by schoolgirls CNN  —  They may be teenagers, but 17-year-old Brittany Bull and 16-year-old Sesam Mngqengqiswa have grand ambitions – to launch Africa’s first private satellite into space in 2019. They are part of a team of high school girls from … Read more

Deadly Yeti Airlines crash highlights dangers of flying in Nepal | CNN

Deadly Yeti Airlines crash highlights dangers of flying in Nepal | CNN

CNN  —  A search and rescue operation has been underway in Nepal following a deadly plane crash that once again highlights the dangers of air travel in a country often referred to as one of the riskiest places to fly. Of 72 people on board, at least 69 were killed and their bodies recovered after … Read more

Turkey’s Red Crescent criticized for selling tents to charity instead of giving them to quake victims | CNN

Turkey’s Red Crescent criticized for selling tents to charity instead of giving them to quake victims | CNN

Istanbul CNN  —  Turkey’s Red Crescent organization has been criticized by lawmakers and citizens after revelations that it sold tents to a charity instead of donating them to people in urgent need after the massive earthquake that claimed more than 44,000 lives earlier this month. While people were begging the government for shelters to sleep … Read more

Turkey’s earthquake caused $34 billion in damage. It could cost Erdogan the election | CNN

Turkey’s earthquake caused $34 billion in damage. It could cost Erdogan the election | CNN

Editor’s Note: A version of this story first appeared in CNN’s Meanwhile in the Middle East newsletter, a three-times-a-week look inside the region’s biggest stories. Sign up here. Abu Dhabi, UAE CNN  —  The devastating earthquake that hit Turkey on February 6 killed at least 45,000 people, rendered millions homeless across almost a dozen cities … Read more