World Environment Day: Meet the sustainability champions of Bengaluru inspiring a greener future

World Environment Day: Meet the sustainability champions of Bengaluru inspiring a greener future

In the bustling city of Bengaluru, where urban growth and development often take centre stage, a silent revolution is underway. A growing number of individuals have emerged as passionate advocates for sustainability, dedicating their time, energy, and resources to create positive change within their communities. From eco-entrepreneurs to e-waste artists, these individuals have embraced the … Read more

World Environment Day | How Tamil Nadu’s tiger reserves tackle the summer

World Environment Day | How Tamil Nadu’s tiger reserves tackle the summer

A quintessential summer day in Tamil Nadu’s five major tiger reserves sees the dry rustle of grasslands, trickles of streams, and the occasional wild forest fire. Animals like elephants, deer and panthers step out of the shadows to lounge near water bodies and small birds ride piggyback. “We begin preparing for the heat right from … Read more

With World Environment Day around the corner, here is a look at how bars across India are working on being more sustainable

With World Environment Day around the corner, here is a look at how bars across India are working on being more sustainable

Cobbler and Crew, Pune, has won accolades for its focus on all things local. Peanut chikki liqueur, a chamomile isomalt disc atop a negroni, and a bitter gourd-infused cocktail. This motley menu has been inspired by a rather unique muse — the planet. As the food and beverage space in India takes stock of its … Read more

‘Only One Earth’: Everything to know about World Environment Day, 2022

‘Only One Earth’: Everything to know about World Environment Day, 2022

World Environment Day is celebrated on June 5 each year, led by the United Nations Environment Programme, to raise awareness about the degrading environment and encourage people to take positive actions and help create a better future. Mankind’s progress in the last century was accompanied by a massive increase in natural resource exploitation. Each decade … Read more

Your choice of home appliances and its careful usage can preserve the planet

Your choice of home appliances and its careful usage can preserve the planet

By Kamal Nandi The ‘Only One Earth’ theme for World Environment Day this year is rightly emphasizing the importance of living sustainably in harmony with nature by enacting transformative policies and adopting cleaner, greener lifestyles. Today, home appliances touch every aspect of our lives, making day-to-day tasks much easier for us and our loved ones. … Read more

World Environment Day: Time to act is now or never!

World Environment Day: Time to act is now or never!

World Environment Day: the health of our environmental is critical for the survival all living beings. In order for us to survive and ensure our future, humans must understand that without a sustainable environment, we cannot survive. The concept of World Environment Day began on a warm June in Stockholm, Sweden, 50 years ago as … Read more

World Environment Day: Plants For Each Zodiac Sign

World Environment Day: Plants For Each Zodiac Sign

By Sidhharrth S Kumaar Think green. Be green. Stop polluting. These lines remind us of the environment that is our necessity. With an objective to minimize the interference of human beings, the celebration of World Environment Day was started by the United Nations in 1973. World Environment Day is celebrated every year on 5th June. ‘Living … Read more

Preserving the Environment — Wake up call across the globe

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Images Credit: (Mrs) Amb Narinder Chauhan By (Mrs) Amb Narinder Chauhan, Ahead of COP26 in Glasgow, UK, from 31 October to 12 November 2021, lots of wake-up calls are being sounded across the World. COP26 is short for the United Nations Climate Change Conference of the Parties, and this is the 26th iteration. It is … Read more

Sunita Narain appointed to International Advisory Group for environment, climate & biodiversity

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Under the leadership of Ms Narain, the Centre for Science and Environment (CSE) was awarded the Stockholm Water Prize in 2005. The Centre’s work on rainwater harvesting showed many new ways in which people could survive during water scarcity. India’s Sunita Narain – Environmentalist, Writer and Director General of The Centre for Science & Environment, … Read more

World Environment Day 2021: The Inheritance of Loss

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A biodiversity management policy that taps into local communities and their wisdom is our only blueprint for survival. By Sreerekha Pillai While environmentalists were busy applauding the decline in carbon emissions in the wake of pandemic-induced lockdown in most parts of the world, the Mauna Loa Observatory in the US posted a peak of 417 … Read more