Caught Your Kid Masturbating?

Caught Your Kid Masturbating?

Masturbation is a very natural and healthy part of childhood. And it can start at a younger age than you might think. “It’s the beginning of a lifelong learning experience about their bodies and, later, about sex and sexuality,” says David Swanson, PsyD, a child and family psychologist practicing in Los Angelesand author of HELP — My … Read more

Could Your Child Have Sleep Apnea?

When her son was in preschool, Cynthia Chin-Lee remembers teachers saying he would fall asleep during playtime. At age 10,  Joshua was impossible to rouse in the mornings, saying, “I need to sleep 10 more minutes. Leave me alone.” Joshua seemed tired, had bags under his eyes, and wasn’t doing well in school, explains Chin-Lee, … Read more

Sleep Paralysis: Demon in the Bedroom

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The woman was in her late 50s. Every night she would fall asleep and then dream that she was unable to move, but that her husband was coming into their room and trying to attack her. Helpless, she could neither move nor cry out. “This went on for several years,” says Clete Kushida, MD, PhD, … Read more