‘They leave their walking frames and they’re free’

‘They leave their walking frames and they’re free’

Graham Hill was a keen cyclist before he discovered he had a brain tumour in 2012. The 48-year-old spent months in hospital recovering. Surgery had impacted the father-of-two’s balance and ability to walk more than a short distance. The County Antrim man believed his cycling days were over until he joined the Pedal Power Cycling … Read more

Extra 10 Minutes of Daily Activity Could Save Lives

Extra 10 Minutes of Daily Activity Could Save Lives

TUESDAY, Jan. 25, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Americans, get up out of that chair and get moving. If everyone between 40 and 85 years of age were active just 10 minutes more a day, it could save more than 110,000 U.S. lives a year, a large study reports. “Our projections are based … Read more

Exercise and Live Better with Peripheral Arterial Disease

Exercise and Live Better with Peripheral Arterial Disease

Long walks around his hilly Pittsburgh neighborhood turned scary for Jagdish Bhatnagar when his left calf started hurting so badly, he had to rest on the side of the road. Diagnosed in early 2021 with peripheral artery disease (PAD), the 83-year-old retired medical physicist knew blocked blood vessels in his leg were causing his severe … Read more

How to Improve Walking in People with Parkinson’s Disease

How to Improve Walking in People with Parkinson’s Disease

Oct. 18, 2021 — Problems with walking are common and bothersome to people with Parkinson’s disease, but a new study of over 4,000 people with Parkinson’s and mobility problems found seven “workarounds” that can help. “Compensation strategies are ‘tricks’ that persons with [Parkinson’s] use to overcome their walking difficulties,” say investigators Anouk Tosserams, MD, and … Read more

‘Walking to space was the best day of my life’

‘Walking to space was the best day of my life’

A nine-year-old with a rare genetic condition which causes his joints to dislocate has walked the distance between Earth’s atmosphere and the boundary of space. Tim, who has hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos syndrome and autism, walked 62 miles (100km) around his hometown of Tuxford, Nottinghamshire, over six weeks to raise money for charity Newlife. The charity provided … Read more

‘Slow Walkers’ at Higher Odds for Severe COVID-19

‘Slow Walkers’ at Higher Odds for Severe COVID-19

WEDNESDAY, March 17, 2021 (HealthDay News) — If you saunter and shuffle instead of scurry when you walk, you are at higher risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19, British researchers warn. For the study, the investigators analyzed data from more than 412,000 middle-aged Britons and found that among those whose weight was … Read more

World Heart Day: Why are heart attacks on the rise among young Indians?

World Heart Day: Why are heart attacks on the rise among young Indians?

Individuals with age as low as 20-40 years have been seen to be affected by cardiovascular disorders (CVD). By Dr. Kamal Gupta  Non- Communicable Diseases are posing a great threat for the Indian Healthcare system. In the last decade Cardiovascular diseases (CVDs) have emerged as the leading cause of mortality in India. A quarter of … Read more