‘Vocal for Local’ for firecrackers: How an NGO in Gujarat is reviving 400-year-old method of making eco-friendly bursts this Diwali


Kothis are safe to an extent that one can burst them while keeping it in their hands A village in Gujarat’s Vadodara district is reviving a 400 years old practice of making firecrackers. Craftsmen here have expertise in making firecrackers using clay. Known as Kothis, these firecrackers were much popular before Chinese firecrackers made their … Read more

Roll out Covid vaccine without antibody testing: Dr K Srinath Reddy

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Against this backdrop, Dr Reddy endorsed Indian Council of Medical Research chief Dr Balaram Bhargav’s stand that vaccine coverage should target 60-70% of the population. Testing for presence of Covid-19 antibodies to determine whether a person should be prioritised for receiving the vaccine once this becomes available—the presence of antibodies, some have suggested, should push … Read more

Get authentic Banarasi silks, enchanting ‘itras’ and more: UP govt website is a treasure for handicraft lovers

UP Handicraft

While there are many online options available right now for buying handicraft products, there is always a nagging doubt over the authenticity. Once upon a time, many, many moons ago, there was an era when people used to shop (for real). You would stroll the markets, experience the buzzing bylanes and look for that saree … Read more

Vocal for Local: What is the future of sustainable stationery products?

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Millennials know that they have inherited an unhealthy world, and they are intent on fixing it. By Shobhit Singh It was indeed legendary American author and motivational speaker, Zig Ziglar, who came up with the quote, “The first step in solving a problem is to recognise that it does exist.” This little nugget of knowledge … Read more

Kudos! Gujarat engineering students roll out wristwatch with hand sanitizer to make disinfecting easier

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G Band comes in the form of a wristwatch and can spray sanitizer up to 30 times. (Representational Image, PTI Photo) A unique innovation by Gujarat engineering student to make disinfecting easier! Face masks, face-shield, hand sanitizer, social distancing, Covid-19, coronavirus, quarantine, PPE, RT-PCR, rapid-antigen have not only become part of our vocabulary but also … Read more

Vocal for local: What tech giants are doing to woo users in India

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According to reports, it plans to spend around $420 million for producing and licensing content in India by the end of this year. By Shriya Roy In an attempt to woo one of the world’s largest tech consuming user base, streaming giant Netflix has introduced its Hindi interface version. This is Netflix’s latest effort to … Read more