Vizhinjam in Thiruvananthapuram has become the city’s seafood hub

Vizhinjam in Thiruvananthapuram has become the city’s seafood hub

January 06, 2023 11:34 am | Updated January 16, 2023 06:39 pm IST – Thiruvananthapuram Late in the night Vizhinjam’s ‘restaurant row’ is a sea of activity as the salty breeze mingles with the mouth-watering aroma of fried seafood, peppered with merry conversations. The seafood restaurants on Vizhinjam Harbour Road are packed with customers from … Read more

Kerala government agrees to debate Vizhinjam port agitation and related violence in the Assembly

Kerala government agrees to debate Vizhinjam port agitation and related violence in the Assembly

An injured police personnel being shifted to a hospital after a mob of agitators attacked Vizhinjam police station following the arrest of one person in connection with violent protests against the construction of Adani port, in Thiruvananthapuram | Photo Credit: PTI The Kerala government has agreed to the Congress-led United Democratic Front (UDF) opposition’s demand … Read more

Vizhinjam protest should be withdrawn, says fishermen’s union

Vizhinjam protest should be withdrawn, says fishermen’s union

The fishermen’s strike against the Vizhinjam port should be withdrawn against the backdrop of the State government’s decision to appoint an expert committee to study whether shoreline changes along the coast of Thiruvananthapuram are port-induced, P.P. Chittaranjan, general secretary of the Kerala State Fishermen Federation that is affiliated to the CITU, has said. He was … Read more