Residents’ body to resume agitation demanding city entry of Goshree buses

Residents’ body to resume agitation demanding city entry of Goshree buses

Passengers rush to catch a Vypeen-bound bus at Hight Court Junction in Kochi on Saturday. | Photo Credit: THULASI KAKKAT With the Transport department remaining non-committal on the city entry of private buses from Goshree islands despite the expiry of the revised deadline of November 1, Federation of Residents Associations Apex Council in Goshree Islands … Read more

Maratha-OBC friction: After Bhujbal, Maharashtra LoP Wadettiwar hits out at quota activist Jarange-Patil, says his agitation purely for political gain

Maratha-OBC friction: After Bhujbal, Maharashtra LoP Wadettiwar hits out at quota activist Jarange-Patil, says his agitation purely for political gain

The fierce sabre-rattling between other backward class (OBC) leaders and Maratha quota activist Manoj Jarange-Patil continued with Congress leader Vijay Wadettiwar accusing the activist of seeking political mileage by his insistence inclusion of Marathas under the OBC for political gain and not for the interests of Maratha community youth After Maharashtra Minister Chhagan Bhujbal (of … Read more

Farmers continue ‘rail roko’ agitation in Punjab

Farmers continue ‘rail roko’ agitation in Punjab

Farmers shout slogans while blocking a railway track during a ‘Rail Roko’ protest in Jalandhar | Photo Credit: PTI As farmers continued with their ‘rail roko’ agitation against the Central government, blaming apathy towards their demands, train services were disrupted for the second consecutive day in Punjab on Friday. Farmers associated with 19 different farmer … Read more

Panchamsali quota: Seer ends stir, but section of agitation committee miffed with government decision

Panchamsali quota: Seer ends stir, but section of agitation committee miffed with government decision

Expressing satisfaction over the State Cabinet’s new reservation matrix announced on Friday, Basava Jaya Mrutyunjaya Swami, honorary president of the Panchamasali reservation agitation committee and seer of the Lingayat Panchamasali Peetha of Kudalasangama, on Saturday announced that the 71-day stir has been withdrawn. Although the seer said it was an unanimous decision to withdraw the … Read more

Kerala government agrees to debate Vizhinjam port agitation and related violence in the Assembly

Kerala government agrees to debate Vizhinjam port agitation and related violence in the Assembly

An injured police personnel being shifted to a hospital after a mob of agitators attacked Vizhinjam police station following the arrest of one person in connection with violent protests against the construction of Adani port, in Thiruvananthapuram | Photo Credit: PTI The Kerala government has agreed to the Congress-led United Democratic Front (UDF) opposition’s demand … Read more