Breakthrough medical discoveries on sequencing of virus done in form of mRNA vaccine;  Kris Gopalakrishnan

Covid Vaccine

DNA sequencing has given good insights about understanding virus and its mutants. “We are living in an explosive era of medical discoveries where sequencing of virus has been done in the form of breakthrough technology called as mRNA vaccine development which was done within weeks of the Covid virus outbreak to develop the required immune … Read more

Covid deaths could have been prevented if we had vaccinated 20% population in every country, says Dr Soumya Swaminathan

Vaccine Development

A more public and private collaboration is required as we continue to look for those antiviral medicines which are broad spectrum antivirals that will not only help from Covid but could also help for future pandemics “Covid related deaths could have been prevented to some extent if we had by now vaccinated 20 % of … Read more

FE Healthcare Summit: There is a need to adopt a life cycle approach in the journey towards a healthy India, says Mansukh Mandaviya

Mansukh Mandaviya 1

Union Minister of Health & Family Welfare & Chemicals & Fertilizers, Government of India Mansukh Mandaviya. Terming healthcare as the topmost priority aligned with the Prime Minister’s vision for a Healthy India, Union Minister of Health & Family Welfare & Chemicals & Fertilizers, Government of India Mansukh Mandaviya while addressing his Guest of Honour note … Read more