Time to remove Covid-19 vaccine mandates?

Time to remove Covid-19 vaccine mandates?

Several Australian states have used mandates to drive up COVID vaccination rates. Governments justified the mandates on the basis of preventing the spread of disease and protecting the vulnerable. Now many states are rolling back these mandates, with Queensland removing the requirement to show you’re vaccinated before entering cafes, pubs, galleries and other public spaces … Read more

Supreme Court Blocks Biden Vaccine Mandate for Businesses

Jan. 13, 2022 — The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday blocked President Joe Biden’s vaccine mandate for large businesses but said a similar one may continue while challenges to the rules move through lower courts. The vote was 6-3 to block the large business mandate and 5-4 in favor of allowing a similar mandate for … Read more

Supreme Court May Back COVID Vaccine Mandate for Health Workers

Jan. 7, 2022 — The U.S. Supreme Court appeared to agree Friday with the federal government that it is within its rights to require health care facilities that accept Medicare or Medicaid dollars to vaccinate workers against COVID-19, but justices seemed more skeptical that the government can order other large businesses that they must require … Read more

‘This Pandemic Still Has Legs’: COVID-19 Expert Q&A

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Nov. 5, 2021 — With so much COVID-19 news breaking this week, including the authorization of vaccinations for children ages 5 to 11 and a Jan. 4 federal mandate for workers at any company that employs at least 100 people to be vaccinated or get tested weekly, we wanted to sit down with Michael T. … Read more

Feds Launch COVID-19 Worker Vaccine Mandates

Nov. 4, 2021 — The Biden administration on Thursday unveiled its rule to require most of the country’s larger employers to mandate workers be fully vaccinated against COVID-19, but SET a Jan. 4 deadline, avoiding the busy holiday season. The White House also shifted the timelines for earlier mandates applying to federal workers and contractors … Read more

Deadline Looms for Unvaccinated Air Force Personnel

Oct. 29, 2021 — The Air Force will have to decide in coming weeks how to discipline about 12,000 airmen who have rejected orders to get the COVID-19 vaccine. The deadline for airmen to be fully vaccinated is Tuesday, Nov. 2. Those who aren’t vaccinated could face escalating levels of discipline, including being kicked out … Read more

Why Vaccine and Mask Mandates Hold Up in Court

Oct. 12, 2021 — President Joe Biden’s announcement in September that large companies will soon be required to mandate COVID-19 vaccines or weekly testing for employees set off a domino effect of legal challenges in various states. Court cases began to crop up even before that when mask mandates came into play. And while the … Read more

Vaccine Mandate Takes Effect for NY Health Care Workers

New York State: “Hospital Worker Vaccinations,” “Declaring a Statewide Disaster Emergency Due to Healthcare Staffing Shortages in the State of New York.” YouTube: “Mayor de Blasio Host Media Availability.” Syracuse.com: “Upstate University Hospital to shutter ORs, blaming NY vaccine mandate for staff shortage.” Shirley Johnson, chief clinical operations officer, Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center, Buffalo, … Read more

Biden Vaccine Mandate Rule Could Be Ready Within Weeks

Companies that refuse to follow the standard could be fined $13,600 per violation, Zients said. Michaels said he doesn’t expect enforcement to be a big issue, and he said we’re likely to see the rule well before it is final. “Most employers are law-abiding. When OSHA issues a standard, they try to meet … Read more

Amid Delta Surge, Major Companies Mandate Masks, Vaccines

Reuters: “Factbox: Major U.S. companies making masks, vaccines mandatory.” NBC News: “Here are the companies mandating vaccines for all or some employees.” Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: “The list: These companies are going back to mask mandates and requiring proof of vaccination.” AARP: “Most Big Chains Keep Masks Optional for Vaccinated Shoppers.” Source link