US orders consular to leave Shanghai amid COVID outbreak

US orders consular to leave Shanghai amid COVID outbreak

The US has ordered all non-emergency consular staff to leave Shanghai, which is under a tight lockdown to contain a COVID-19 surge.The State Department said the order is an upgrade from the “authorized” departure issued last week that made the decision voluntary. The order covers “non-emergency US government employees and their family members from US … Read more

15 US missionaries and families kidnapped in Haiti


About 15 American missionaries and family members were kidnapped on Saturday by a gang outside the Haitian capital, a local security source said. The group of between 15 and 17 people, including children, were being held by an armed gang which for months has been engaged in theft and kidnappings in the area between Port-au-Prince … Read more

Americans warier of US government surveillance: AP-NORC poll


As the 20th anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks approaches, Americans increasingly balk at intrusive government surveillance in the name of national security, and only about a third believe that the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq were worth fighting, according to a new poll. More Americans also regard the threat from domestic extremism … Read more

World Asteroid Day: Everything you need to know about wandering celestial objects


Asteroids are rocky remnants left over from the early formation of our solar system about 4.6 billion years ago. By Dr Ajey Lele On 30 June 30, 1908, an explosion tore through the air above a distant forest in Siberia, near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River. It is believed that the fireball was around 50-100m wide … Read more

FAITH urges govt to take up with US govt negative travel advisory to India

international travel

Apart from restrictive COVID-19 protocols, the rating highlights terrorism, crimes against women and insurgency among other reasons for the advisory, the statement said.  The Federation of Associations in Indian Tourism and Hospitality (FAITH) has urged the government to address the negative travel advisory for India issued by the US government. The US currently issued a … Read more