Clampdown on unproven fertility treatment add-ons

Clampdown on unproven fertility treatment add-ons

“For defined patient groups, there are particular treatment add-ons that may be potentially beneficial – but we know that for the vast majority of patients, more rounds of proven treatment could be more effective,” Prof Tim Child, who chairs the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority (HFEA) Scientific and Clinical Advances Advisory Committee, said. Source link

Desperate Long COVID Patients Turn to Unproven Alternative Therapies

Desperate Long COVID Patients Turn to Unproven Alternative Therapies

Editor’s note: Find more information about long COVID in Medscape’s Long COVID Resource Center. Sept. 22, 2022 – Entrepreneur Maya McNulty, 49, was one of the first victims of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Schenectady, NY, businesswoman spent 2 months in the hospital after catching the disease in March 2020. That September, she was diagnosed with … Read more

Sales of Unproven, Unapproved Stem Cell Therapies Are Booming

By Robert PreidtHealthDay Reporter MONDAY, Nov. 8, 2021 (HealthDay News) — The sale of unproven and unapproved stem cell treatments has skyrocketed in the United States, according to a new five-year study. The study found a fourfold jump since 2016 in the availability of the treatments, which claim to do everything from relieving pain to … Read more

Trump Touts Unproven Therapy as COVID ‘Cure’

Early study data shows that the Regeneron therapy is safe and has few side effects, according to CNN. Human clinical trials began in June, and late-stage trials started in July. Some scientists are awaiting more data and a peer review to decide how well the drug works. “I would withhold judgment on this until … Read more