PM: ‘Inevitable’ transmission risk with schools return


Prime Minister Boris Johnson says it’s “inevitable” that there will be a risk of increased Covid transmission with millions of children returning to school in England. He explained that reopening schools could be done now because a proportion of the population had been vaccinated. However, he warned that we must be “very, very cautious” and … Read more

Doctors: Don’t Make Game Day ‘Superspreader Sunday’

Feb. 5, 2021 — Though Super Bowl Sunday is not a national holiday, it is often treated as one — a daylong celebration full of friends, family, and food. But this year will be different. At least, that’s what doctors are hoping. Medical professionals are pleading with the public to stay physically distanced and … Read more

Asymptomatic tests help ‘break transmission chains’


The healthy secretary says that asymptomatic testing for coronavirus can help ”break the chains of transmission”. Matt Hancock told the BBC’s Andrew Marr that asymptomatic testing in Liverpool helped the case rate fall more rapidly than areas where only Covid restrictions were in place. Read more: Covid testing for asymptomatic workers expanded Source link

Narrow Hallways Ideal for Coronavirus Spread

THURSDAY, Dec. 17, 2020 (HealthDay News) — You might want to think twice before you enter a hallway with strangers during the pandemic: Researchers report that following a fast-walking person with COVID-19 down a narrow corridor could increase your risk of infection, even if you keep your distance. That’s because that person can leave … Read more

CDC Urges Americans to Forgo Thanksgiving Travel

Nov. 19, 2020 — As COVID-19 case counts and hospitalizations of continue to accelerate in the U.S., the CDC on Thursday bluntly advised Americans not to travel for the Thanksgiving holiday. “Amid this critical phase, the CDC is recommending against travel during the Thanksgiving period,” said Henry Walke, MD, COVID-19 incident manager, on a … Read more

Dose of Coronavirus, Timing Matters for Infection

By Cara Murez HealthDay Reporter THURSDAY, Nov. 5, 2020 (HealthDay News) — How likely you are to become infected with coronavirus can depend on how much virus you inhale, where those particles land in your respiratory tract, and even the weather, researchers report. Researchers from many institutions are working on a … Read more

Coughs Can Send COVID Virus Farther Than 6 Feet

Nov. 5, 2020 — Droplets from a cough may travel farther than 6 feet and could potentially carry enough COVID-19 virus to infect another person, according to a new study. Public health officials have urged everyone to practice social distancing during the COVID-19 pandemic, which means leaving some space between yourself and people you … Read more

Manage Risk to Stay Safe for COVID Thanksgiving

Manage Risk to Stay Safe for COVID Thanksgiving

Oct. 29, 2020 — Most years, Paula Emde’s Thanksgiving plans involve sharing a meal with at least a dozen family members, either at her home in Dunwoody, GA, or at a relative’s lakeside picnic pavilion about 80 miles south of the Atlanta suburb. Her favorite dishes include glazed ham, sweet potatoes, and her mother-in-law’s squash … Read more

Mask Use by Americans Now Tops 90%, Poll Finds

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By Dennis Thompson HealthDay Reporter THURSDAY, Oct. 22, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Here’s good news for public health officials who’ve been hammering home the need to wear face masks: Your messages have been getting through. A new HealthDay/Harris Poll shows that more Americans than ever are donning face masks to protect … Read more