From fitness apps to nutrition trackers: How Indian health start-ups use AI for wellness – ET HealthWorld

From fitness apps to nutrition trackers: How Indian health start-ups use AI for wellness – ET HealthWorld

New Delhi: In the realm of wellness, artificial intelligence (AI) is revolutionising the way health start-ups in India approach fitness and nutrition. Apps like HealthifyMe, Fitelo, and Fitterfly have been leveraging AI for years to deliver personalised solutions and innovative services. AI-powered solutions HealthifyMe, for instance, harnesses AI to analyse user data from continuous glucose … Read more

Amazon to shut down Halo division that sells out health and sleep trackers – ET HealthWorld

Amazon to shut down Halo division that sells out health and sleep trackers – ET HealthWorld

New Delhi: Inc said on Wednesday it was shutting down its Halo division that sells health and sleep trackers as the technology giant kicks off wider company layoffs. The company said it will stop supporting Halo services from July 31, and will fully refund Halo devices purchases made in the preceding 12 months. “We … Read more

More Evidence Fitness Trackers Can Boost Your Health

More Evidence Fitness Trackers Can Boost Your Health

TUESDAY, July 26, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Your fitness tracker, pedometer or smartwatch may motivate you to exercise more and lose weight, Australian researchers say. In a large research review, the investigators found that tracking your activity might inspire you to walk up to 40 minutes more a day (about 1,800 more steps). … Read more

Skin Spews Telltale Gases for Health Trackers to Tap Into

Skin Spews Telltale Gases for Health Trackers to Tap Into

May 6, 2022 — We already have smartwatches and fitness trackers that can tell us things about our bodies like how many steps we take a day, how well we sleep at night, and whether our blood pressure is in a healthy range. Now, scientists are doing experiments to see whether sensors might be added … Read more

Wearable Fitness Trackers Could Detect COVID Before You Do

Nov. 30, 2021 — Your smartwatch or fitness tracker lets you know how many steps you’ve taken, how much sleep you got, and what your peak heart rate was during that morning workout. What if it could tell you when you’ve been infected with COVID-19 before you notice any symptoms? That’s exactly what a group … Read more

Fitness Trackers Reveal COVID’s Long-Term Effects

THURSDAY, July 8, 2021 (Healthday News) — Wearable fitness trackers such as Fitbits or the Apple Watch can help track people’s recovery from COVID-19 and are revealing just how long-term that recovery is, according to a new study. It was conducted from late March of 2020 to late January of 2021, and included 875 … Read more