Sweden’s ‘broken’ IVF promise

Sweden’s ‘broken’ IVF promise

Fertility campaigners in Sweden say healthcare officials have broken a promise to help more single women get pregnant. In April 2016, Swedish women without partners were given the same rights as couples to access state-funded fertility treatments including IVF. But waiting times are so long in one part of the country that women have been … Read more

Sweden’s COVID Policy Didn’t Create Herd Immunity

Sweden’s COVID Policy Didn’t Create Herd Immunity

THURSDAY, Aug. 13, 2020 (HealthDay News) — Diverging from much of the world, Sweden let COVID-19 spread in hopes the population would develop “herd immunity.” But the risky strategy failed, a new report finds. Rather than imposing a hard lockdown in March as other countries did, the Scandinavian nation relied on individual responsibility to … Read more