Spicy jalapeno-pineapple and musk melon: New-popsicle flavours to try this summer

Spicy jalapeno-pineapple and musk melon: New-popsicle flavours to try this summer

Milano Ice Cream, Bengaluru, Hyderabad, and Kochi  If you have always wanted to taste the pawpsicles in the movie Zootopia, here is your chance. When co-founder Sara Calderoni was in Italy on holiday a few months ago, a paw shaped mould caught her eye. This went on to inspire the brand’s 2023 summer range of … Read more

Sugar to become expensive during summer season as production set to fall by 10%

Sugar to become expensive during summer season as production set to fall by 10%

India’s year-on-year sugar production is expected to fall by 10% in 2022-23, which is expected to make sugar more expensive during the summer season when demand for cold drinks and ice creams increases substantially. Industry body National Federation of Co-operative Sugar Factories (NFCSF) has pegged India’s 2022-23 sugar production at 325 lakh tonnes against 359.25 … Read more

Summer Flu, RSV in July, ‘Super Colds?’

Summer Flu, RSV in July, ‘Super Colds?’

Aug. 1, 2022 – Richard Martinello, MD, a professor of medicine and pediatric infectious diseases at Yale University, doesn’t expect to see a child hospitalized with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in the middle of summer. The illness, which can strike infants and older adults especially hard, is known as a “winter virus.” But not this … Read more

Late Summer Heat May Bring Increased Risk of Miscarriage

Late Summer Heat May Bring Increased Risk of Miscarriage

July 15, 2022 – Summer heat is notorious for making the strain of pregnancy worse. But for many pregnant people, sweltering temperatures are much worse than a sweaty annoyance. New research shows that the risk of miscarriage rises sharply as the mercury climbs. In late August, for example, the risk of losing a pregnancy is … Read more

COVID-19 and Summer 2022: Boost Now or Best to Wait?

COVID-19 and Summer 2022: Boost Now or Best to Wait?

July 5, 2022 – A new combination vaccinefor COVID-19 will likely be coming out this fall, offering more protection against the Omicron variants of COVID-19. Vaccine maker Moderna said in a recent news release that the new vaccine is expected to be a “lead candidate” as a booster shot in the fall. But as the … Read more

How to Keep Cool During a Heat Wave

How to Keep Cool During a Heat Wave

June 15, 2022 – Talk about a summer sizzler: A record-breaking heat wave is making its way across the United States this week. Moving from the south and central Plains, the heat wave will expose 230 million people to temperatures over 90 F, while an estimated 45 million people will experience triple-digit temperatures, according to … Read more

Autism Elopement: Wandering Risk Rises in Summer

Autism Elopement: Wandering Risk Rises in Summer

It happens quickly: A child on the autism spectrum bolts from supervision and disappears – an emergency called “autism elopement.” While any child can wander off, children on the autism spectrum face particular risks. These include the lure of water and the risk of drowning. Some youngsters on the spectrum will follow this strong attraction … Read more