Numaish: Nostalgia, fairy lights, spicy food

Numaish: Nostalgia, fairy lights, spicy food

The milling crowds, the fairy lights of ferris wheel, the metallic whirr and roar inside the well of death, the wafting aroma of roasting corn, the sizzle of mirchi bhajji spell only one thing at the Numaish — money. They spell big money for hundreds of families that look forward to the 46-day shopping fiesta … Read more

Hot Stuff: Spicy Foods Can’t Harm You, Can They?

Hot Stuff: Spicy Foods Can’t Harm You, Can They?

By Ellie Quinlan Houghtaling HealthDay ReporterHealthDay Reporter FRIDAY, July 8, 2022 (HealthDay News) — Spicy food challenges are all the rage these days, but can munching red hot peppers and sizzling hot sauces harm you? One nutrition expert from University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center in Ohio suggests that while it may burn your tongue at … Read more

Hot Discovery: Chili Peppers May Extend Your Life

Hot Discovery: Chili Peppers May Extend Your Life

Kris-Etherton noted that past studies have shown that capsaicin helps quell growth of cancer cells, which may play a role in reduction of mortality from cancer and all causes. Chili peppers contain potassium, fiber and vitamins A, B6 and E, she said, noting these can benefit blood pressure. And adding chili pepper might replace … Read more